68-year-old indicted for raping neighbor, 12

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Cebu City Prosecutor has indicted a 68-year-old resident of Barangay Guadalupe for allegedly raping his 12-year-old neighbor.

Prosecutor Simaco Labata held the Internet café owner for trial for rape and recommended no bail for him.

“…the said accused, by means of fraudulent machination, force and intimidation, with deliberate intent, did then and there willfully and unlawfully have carnal knowledge of the minor,” Labata said. 

The FREEMAN withheld the names of the parties involved due to the nature of the case. 

In her sworn statement, the girl alleged that she was standing at the old man’s Internet café at about 9 p.m. last Wednesday when the suspect suddenly grabbed her and brought her inside his room.

Therein, the suspect allegedly sexually abused her.

Somebody allegedly knocked at the door and the suspect ordered her to put her clothes on. 

“Someone knocks on the door then (accused) went out and I saw my mother outside,” the girl said, adding that she confided to her mother what the 68-yer-old did to her. 

The mother corroborated the statement of her daughter. They then reported the incident at the police station. — (FREEMAN)

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