Rama: Ban sale of butane gas

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama wants to ban the selling of butane canisters in the city following an explosion that injured at least eight people last Tuesday.

Rama said a local ordinance should be passed to institutionalize its prohibition to prevent loss of lives and property damage.

Rama’s ally in the City Council, Nendell Hanz Abella supports the mayor’s call. Abella, however, said that further study should be made to ensure that this is legally possible.

“If the issue is safety of our residents then no compromises. We have to impose the ban... I’m supporting (the) mayor’s statement but we will have to study whether the ban can be imposed through an ordinance or legislative act in Congress,” Abella said.

Abella chairs the City Council’s Committee on Trade, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship.

Abella, who is a lawyer by profession, provided his alternative suggestion before going into legislative measure. He said the city government should find out whether those selling butane canisters are authorized or have business permit.

 “The first thing the city government must do is to check if they (haulers of butane canisters) have business permits or they have followed safety measures,” said Abella. 

Rama’s proposal is also supported by the Bureau of Fire Protection.  City fire marshal Rogelio Bongabong Jr. said it is better to pass an ordinance about it since the BFP does not have guidelines on the illegal refilling of butane canisters.

“Amoa ani is awareness lang gyud sa mga tawo to refrain from using refilled butane gas canisters,” said Bongabong.

Rama immediately called on the attention of City lawyer Jerone Castillo, City Administrator Lucelle Mercado, and City Treasurer Diwa Cuevas as well as the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Energy to take the necessary action.

The mayor has also tapped the Association of Barangay Councils to assist in the information dissemination on the hazards of refilling butane canisters.

 “Let us look at the incident already as a warning and then bring it down to the barangay level so that everybody will know,” Rama said.

Eight people cleaning butane canisters in Greyhounds Subdivision, Barangay Kinasang-an, Cebu City were injured last Tuesday after the gas containers exploded.  (FREEMAN)


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