Capitol, groups to launch disability-centered programs

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, people with disability groups, and various organizations in the province are slated to launch October 16 disability-centered programs and projects in line with the celebration of the International Day for Disaster Reduction.

With the theme “Promoting Disability-inclusive DRR for Resilient, Inclusive and Equitable Philippines,” Erlinda Parame, coordinator of ENABLED project, said the event is expected to gather at least 15 organizations from the government and private sectors which form the Cebu Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network.

She said in the opening ceremony at the Provincial Capitol grounds, they will highlight the vision and goals of the network.

Governor Hilario Davide III is expected to attend the event.

Parame said they are pushing to have this kind of event to “promote” the participation of PWDs in the making and implementation of DRRM programs not only at the provincial level, but also in local government units, where they have thousands of members.

The project, she said, aims to promote a disability-inclusive community-based disaster risk management, increased participation of as many groups in the local level, among others.

In the 2013 Disability Report Survey of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 85.57 percent of the respondents from 137 countries said they have not participated in community disaster management and risk reduction seminars and workshops in their respective localities.

In the process, they were not included as part of the decision-making, making them at risk during disaster. The study said that 72.20 percent of PWDs are not prepared during disasters. — (FREEMAN)

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