Unregistered trisikad can’t operate in Naga

CEBU, Philippines - At the end of this month, only registered trisikad units can operate in the City of Naga.

This after the city government has vowed to regulate slow-moving vehicles like pedal-powered transportation to address its worsening traffic situations.

Earlier, Mayor Valdemar Chiong said he wanted to eradicate all trisikad units but “for humanitarian reasons.” Now, the city is allowing them to operate provided they are registered.

The agreement between the city and the trisikad drivers and operators was approved in a public hearing two weeks ago at the City Hall.

Chiong said in that meeting that an “amnesty” was forged, wherein the city would regulate the number of units allowed to ply its streets and that the units must also be duly registered.

 He said drivers will also have to get from their barangays their identification badges, which they will regularly use while driving. The purpose of this, he said, is to only allow city residents to drive in the city.

Chiong said there are many non-city residents who traverse in Naga streets resulting in traffic congestion.

The registration, which is until the end of the month, will also find out the number of legitimate trisikad units in the city.

The city has allocated P2.5 million to buy trisikad units, old and new, at P5,000 each.

Chiong said it is also one way to decongest the busy streets. But he said only those registered units can avail of this offer. —FPL  (FREEMAN)

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