Rama suspects ‘politics’ in CCPO chief’s transfer

CEBU, Philippines - After the announcement that Cebu City Police Office director Senior Superintendent Noli Romana would be transferred to the Civil Security Group in Camp Crame, Mayor Michael Rama expressed his disappointment over losing again another trusted city police official. 

“I lost my chief of police not once but twice,” Rama said referring to Romana and former City Police Director Melvin Ramon Buenafe, who was also reassigned as directorate for operations at the Public Safety Division in Camp Crame.

 Rama said it pains him that the people whom he has trusted were relieved without prior consultation or discussion.

 The mayor alleges that somebody who has a personal grudge on him may have manipulated and maneuvered the reassignment of Romana. He said this may be possible to give way for the appointment of someone else to “enforce” next year’s election preparations.

 “This is a bad picture for an institution or worse ruined it,” he lamented.

 Rama said he made the conclusion after talking with PNP chief director general Allan Purisima earlier this month prior to the latter’s six months preventive suspension in connection with a supposed anomalous contract the PNP entered into with a courier service in 2011.

 He said he went to Manila not to ask for Romana’s retention but to clarify why the promotion was so sudden that Camp Crame did not even care to inform him, stressing that “PNP lacks semblance of professionalism.”

 He pointed out that Romana did not apply for the position, which according to the mayor also shocked the police official.

 “Who applied for him? But, who am I to stop his promotion?” I am still in quandary why it happened. I don’t have to be insinuating. They are not after Romana but me for political motives. If they want to hit me, they should direct to me not to other persons,” he said.

 Rama clarified though that he has no objection on the appointment of CCPO’s officer-in-charge, Senior Superintendent Conrad Capa, who Rama says has “his good quality and strong conviction against criminalities.” Capa’s new post will be in concurrent with his responsibilities as Deputy Regional Director for Operations of the Police Regional Office-7.

 Rama explained this shortly after yesterday’s ceremonial relinquishment of office, wherein the PNP book of registry and office symbol was turned over by Romana.

 During the ceremony, Romana also received a Medal of Kasanayan from PNP and a plaque of recognition from the city government for curbing criminal incidents in the city. Capa was not around during the ceremony as he was reportedly sick.

 Under Romana’s administration, the volume of crimes reportedly decreased to 39.9-percent, including a 36 percent for non-index crimes and 8 percent for index crimes.

 “I will never leave the city with a heavy and crying heart because I believe I contributed to the increase of peace and order situation of the city and reduction of criminalities,” Romana said. (FREEMAN)

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