Raps filed vs couple for beating woman

CEBU, Philippines - The National Bureau of Investigation-7 has filed a criminal complaint against a barangay councilman and his spouse for allegedly beating his sister.

NBI-7 director Max Salvador filed charges for slight physical injuries and child abuse against Barangay Councilman Vicente Incipido and his live-in partner Maria Bustillo, residents of Upper Hinablan, Badian, Cebu.

The complaints were originally filed before the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas. However, acting deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Rodolfo Elman forwarded the complaints to the Cebu Provincial Prosecutor’s Office which has jurisdiction over the matter.

Rita alleged that on September 4 this year, she was putting her 2-year-old son to sleep inside their bedroom when she heard her brother shouting for her to get out.

“I heard the angry voice of my elder brother, Vicente Incipido, also known as Inting, shouting ‘Get out Rita! Why did you report my masiao (illegal numbers game)? Get out!” Rita said, adding that she also heard Bustillo also shouting for her to get out.

Rita said she did not mind the couple and continued attending to her son. However, allegedly without her consent, the couple entered her house and bedroom.

“Surprised of their entrance, I stood up while my frightened son was clinging to my legs crying. As I stood up, without any word, Inting started throwing punches on me. He hit me in the different parts of my body. As he was punching me, his live-in partner who was standing outside our room was also shouting, ‘Go on punch her more, Ting,’” the affidavit reads.

Rita further said that she tried to evade the alleged attacks of her brother until she got hold of an ironing pad and started to fight back.

According to Rita, her son was traumatized by the incident.

After the couple left, Rita said she went to Badian Police to report the incident. She was brought to the health center for medical examination, but the municipal doctor was not around so she was advised to go back.

The complainant said she sought the NBI’s help because the local police were not able to file any charges against the couple, who, she claimed, has friends at the said police station.

The couple is set to answer the allegations filed against them.  (FREEMAN)


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