Concrete plan against robbery eyed

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama wants the police to come up with a concrete plan to abate the series of robbery incidents in the city, the latest of which was on a 7-Eleven branch in Barangay Duljo Fatima early dawn yesterday.

“I cannot allow that it will continuously be happening because if these continue to be happening, that means we are allowing it to happen,” Rama said yesterday.

He said he will be calling all station commanders and police heads to a command conference soon to tackle the problem.

Two men carried out the heist on the 7-Eleven branch past 1 a.m. and even threatened to shoot a customer who was oblivious to the situation and wanted to enter the store.

Four employees were at the store at that time, including security guard Ian Adlawan of Black Arrow Security Agency.

The men took Adlawan’s .9mm pistol service firearm and fled with P20,000 cash.

A patrol car seen some 200 meters away from the store but it reportedly took the employees  some time to report the robbery.

Investigators believe that Eugene Salingay, a former policeman who was dismissed from service, might be one of the suspects. Based on the account of witnesses, Salingay’s profile reportedly fits perfectly with the description of one of the suspects.

Salingay was identified as one of the robbers who were responsible for the robbery on LBC branches together with a certain Leonardo Rama.

The other suspect also reportedly fits the profile of Michael Baldemesa who was arrested previously for robbery.

Supt. Romeo Santander, chief of City Intelligence Branch (CIB), said steps are in place to verify the information given by the witnesses.

Following the incident, CCPO Director, Senior Supt. Noli Romana, issued a memorandum to all station chiefs to coordinate with establishments in their area of responsibility.

CCPO also plans to gather the managers of gasoline stations to discuss ways to strengthen security, considering that gasoline stations are often the usual targets.

In defense of authorities, Rama called on the public to be vigilant because the city police do not have enough manpower to cover all areas.

He said the police already know what he wants – for the PNP to concentrate on areas that are prone to robbery such as convenient stores, moneychangers, pawnshops, and cellular phone centers.

Rama said he would also want to know how far establishments have complied with the city’s requirement for them to hire security guards and put up surveillance cameras. Those who still fail to do so may face closure.

City Treasurer’s Office Tax Mapping Division head Monina Paires said they have started giving out notices last week to about a hundred out of 144 establishments. The first batch of notices was given to 79 establishments, including LBC branches. — (FREEMAN)

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