Sogod killing suspect faces homicide case

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Provincial Prosecutor’s Office has recommended the filing of a homicide case before the court against a man accused of killing a pregnant woman Sunday evening.

State Prosecutor Jerome Abarca held respondent, Peterson Lumbab, 28, a resident of Sitio Caningag, Barangay Bagatayam, Sogod for trial after finding probable cause in the killing of Ivy Maquilan, 20.

During inquest proceeding, Lumbab chose not to file a counter-affidavit to answer the allegations filed against him. Instead, he manifested to face the charges in court.

Abarca recommended the filing of homicide instead of murder. According to him, based on the evidence, no witnesses saw the actual killing of Maquilan, a five-month pregnant.

“There is no eyewitness to establish the treachery. Nothing in the allegations that they have prior dispute,” he said, adding the only account of the witness, the victim’s cousin, was that she only saw the victim with blood.

Abarca recommended P40,000 bail for the respondent’s temporary liberty.

Antonio Luceñara,  60, live-in partner of the victim, said he was happy with the filing of the complaint against Lumbab.

After the killing of Maquilan, he said he wanted to take revenge but discontinued the plan after the complaint was filed before the prosecutor’s office. During the incident, he said he was in the field attending to their farm.

The couple has two children ages 3 years old and nine months old.

Lumbab told the media that he was happy that the case filed against him has been downgraded to homicide from murder.

He maintained that he did not regret killing the victim using a knife. He added that he was happy to be detained because he feared for his safety in their place.

Based on report, before the killing, Lumbab and the victim had a heated argument.

The victim was rushed to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival while Lumbab surrendered to the police. He is now detained at the Sogod Police Station.

Maquilian will be laid to rest today. – (FREEMAN)

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