Report: LGU can’t dictate national gov’t in hiring seniors

CEBU, Philippines - A local government unit cannot dictate upon national agencies in hiring qualified senior citizens for jobs in government.

This is the opinion of the Cebu City Council Committee on Laws on the proposed ordinance of Councilor Dave Tumulak to mandate the hiring of senior citizens in select positions of public offices operating in the city.

“This committee is of the opinion that a local government unit cannot direct national government agencies on how to hire qualified senior citizens considering the objectives of the proposed ordinance,” reads the committe’s report.

The committee, headed by Councilor Sisinio Andales, also said it has reservation on the scope of the proposed ordinance, particularly the reference to “public offices.”

Section 4 of the proposed ordinance states, “the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to public offices with office address and doing operation within the territorial jurisdiction of Cebu City.”

The committee noted, nevertheless, that the proposed ordinance aims to provide select employment opportunities to qualified senior citizens, which may improve their quality of life and well-being.

Republic Act 9994 or the “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010” states that government should “give full support to the improvement of the total well-being of the elderly and their full participation in society, considering that senior citizens are integral part of Philippine Society.”

Tumulak cited the United States where big business groups employ senior citizens on argument that age is not a hindrance for employment.

“Older workers are still an important part of the workforce who contribute leadership, skill and experience to various jobs,” he said.

Section 5 of the proposed ordinance states, “Providing employment opportunities to senior citizens is a public policy which every public office must uphold and implement. Along this line, every public office shall hire on selected positions senior citizens at the ratio of 1:15 or 1 senior citizens every 15 employees. Those with less than 15 employees shall hire at least 1 senior citizen.”

Those who will be hired pursuant to the ordinance shall be hired on contractual status, full-time or part-time, renewable every six months.

They must receive a salary equal to the nature of their job and qualifications considering the standard payment of government employees.

In choosing their position, the following factors should be considered: less stress, flexible working hours, enjoyment, contribution to society and opportunity to get out of the house and meet people.

The proposal states further that “Senior citizens hired pursuant to this Ordinance and receiving retirement benefits such as pensions or lump-sum pay from SSS (Social Security System), GSIS (Government Service Insurance System) or any other entity granting retirement benefits shall not forfeit the same but shall continue to receive said benefits on top of their compensation for work rendered hereof.”

The “Human Resource Management Office in coordination with the City Legal Office of Cebu City shall be responsible in formulating the Implementing Rules and Regulations of this Ordinance within six months from the approval hereof,” it reads further.

Mayor Michael Rama said earlier the move will help senior citizens become more productive.

“Kanindot ra ana aron sad they will also become productive but we just have also to be mindful tan-awn nato how (to implement the provisions of the ordinance),” Rama said. (FREEMAN)

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