2 brgy officials face 1 month suspension

CEBU, Philippines -Two barangay officials of Malbago, Daanbantayan town were suspended for four months without pay for simple misconduct.

Graft Investigation and Prosecution Officer II Mona Chica Cabanes-Gillamac said that based on the evidence, there is enough basis to hold Barangay Captain Virgilio Misa and Varangay Treasurer Jubert Misa administratively liable of issuing checks without an approved barangay resolution.

"Respondents' willful commission of an unauthorized act despite their knowledge that they have disregarded legal procedures in making the foregoing disbursements clearly evinces that they acted in bad faith," the decision reads.

In 2013, Barangay Kagawads Rosalina Malinao, Reynaldo Montano, Josephine Misa and Generosa Arches, filed complaints of misconduct against the respondents.

They alleged that the respondents issued eight barangay checks on March 25, 2013, one of the checks worth P50,000 was allegedly used for the payment of the hospital bill of Pedro Misa, the father of Virgilio.

Another check, also in the amount of P50,000, was reportedly used for the purchase of assorted food to be distributed to the residents, while the rest of the checks were used for the payment of materials in the various road-concreting projects of the barangay.

The complainants said that the Misa's released both checks amounting to P50,000 each without an approved resolution.

"Complainants are of the view that respondents took advantage of their official positions by releasing the two checks without a barangay resolution resulting to the prejudice of Barangay Malbago and of gaining pecuniary benefit for the personal interest of the father of respondent Virgilio," the complaint reads.

In his counter-affidavit, Virgilio denied issuing a check to cover the hospital bills of his father. Instead, he claims that the check was released to Marvin Ostia and Eugenio Dejito Sr., who needed financial assistance for their hospitalization and medicine.

Virgilio said the other check was indeed used for the purchase of goods and was distributed to the residents.

Jubert failed to file his counter-affidavit to negate the allegations filed against him.

With the foregoing facts, Gillamac found sufficient evidence against the respondents.

"The absence of the barangay resolutions approving or allowing the grant of financial/medical assistance and purchase of assorted foods that were allegedly distributed to their constituents cannot be denied by respondents…without the knowledge and/or approval of the Sangguniang Barangay which is required under existing Commission on Audit Rules, the said disbursements are highly irregular as these were incurred without adhering to establish rules and procedural guidelines," the decision reads.

Gillamac directed Mayor  Augusto Corro of Daanbantayan to implement the decision against the respondents with the request to promptly submit a compliance report to their office. (FREEMAN)

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