Samsam says ‘link’ to PDAF scam erroneous, no basis

CEBU, Philippines - “Erroneous and unfounded.”

This was the statement of House Assistant Majority Floor Leader Gerald Anthony “Samsam” Gullas on his name’s inclusion in the so-called “Napolist”.

The affidavit of Janet Lim Napoles dated May 26, 2014 is now subject of a subpoena by the Senate blue ribbon committee to uncover an alleged massive ploy to divert the controversial Priority Development Assistance Fund  to bogus projects of non-governmental organizations that Napoles supposedly controlled.

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima is expected to submit Napoles’ affidavit to the Senate on Monday, the deadline given to her by the committee.

Gullas, who represents the First District of Cebu, which his grandfather, former congressman Eduardo Gullas, represented for three terms from 2004 to 2013, has asked a formal meeting with Delima purposely to clear his name.

Gullas said he was elected congressman, thus, it would have been impossible for him to take part in the purported scheme, which was hatched at a time when he was not in Congress.

He denied having had dealings with Napoles’ alleged agent Cheryl “Cheche” Yarra.

“Being a first time Congressman who assumed office only on July 1, 2013, I did not receive any PDAF funds and did not have any dealings with Mrs. Janet Lim Napoles or of the alleged agent, Ms. Cheryl “Cheche” Yarra. I, likewise, do not personally know the Ms. Cheryl “Cheche” Yarra mentioned in the Affidavit of Mrs. Janet Lim Napoles,” Gullas’ statement reads.

“My assumption of office as Congressman of the 16th Congress, the PDAF having been declared by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional, was already abolished; hence, no PDAF funds were ever disbursed or released to me,” Gullas added.

Last year, several cases were filed before the Supreme Court to declare PDAF unconstitutional.

Accordingly, the Supreme Court issued a temporary injunction dated September 10, 2013 enjoining the disbursement and release of the funds. On November 19, 2013, the Supreme Court issued its decision declaring the PDAF unconstitutional. Its September 10, 2013 temporary injunction was likewise declared permanent.

The Supreme Court ruled: “Thus, the disbursement/release of the remaining PDAF funds allocated for the year 2013, as well as for all previous years …. are hereby enjoined.” – (FREEMAN)


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