City arrests 8th most wanted man

CEBU, Philippines - After four years of hiding from authorities, the eighth most wanted person in Cebu City was finally arrested by City Intelligence Branch operatives past 4:00 pm on Saturday in Barangay Lahug.

Patrick Daclison, who set foot again in Cebu City a week ago, has been charged with a crime of murder and has been hiding for four years before finally falling into the hands of the law. He is 25 and stays in Tupas Street, Barangay Sawang Calero.

Supt. Romeo Santander, CIB chief, said that they received a tip coming from a concerned citizen that Daclison has been spotted around Barangay Lahug several days ago.

Acting upon the information they received, Santander ordered his men to immediately conduct a surveillance operation around the area. It turned out to be positive.

Past 4:00 pm on Saturday, CIB operatives led by SPO1 Raymond Supatan went to Barangay Lahug for the suspect’s arrest. They were armed with a warrant of arrest issued by Regional Trial Court Branch 14 Judge Raphael Yrastorza Sr for the crime of murder.

Upon reaching the place, they found Daclison and immediately arrested him. The suspect, however, did not show any sign of resistance to the arresting officers.

Santander said he has been hiding in Bukidnon for four years, but he decided to come back to Cebu, which then led to his arrest.

His physical features had changed; nevertheless, he was positively identified to be the same person in the warrant of arrest. Daclison has a Php150,000 bounty over his head, according to Santander.

Daclison’s arrest is a result of the CIB’s campaign to strengthen its intelligence network around the city and against wanted persons. Few months ago, the Cebu City Police Office distributed foldable fans, bookmarks, leaflets, streamers and posters containing the names and faces of the city’s most wanted persons and police hotlines.

The campaign drew positive reactions from the public, and CIB has been receiving calls and messages reporting the whereabouts of the wanted persons on the list.

CIB has arrested at least 6 most wanted persons and 160 wanted persons from January 1 to May 17 this year. — (FREEMAN)

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