Delivery van robbed in Carcar

CEBU, Philippines - A delivery van was robbed by two unidentified motorcycle-riding men in Carcar City Friday afternoon.

The victims were identified as Nilo Azarcon, manager of a cigarette company, Roldan Camasura, salesman, Rico Villas, driver, and helper Geober Semblante.

 Azarcon, resident of Barangay Maguikay, Mandaue City, said that they were on their way to deliver cigarettes in Carcar City when the two armed robbers blocked their way.

One of the robbers, armed with caliber .45 pistol, pointed his gun at them and declared the holdup. Azarcon said that the robbers took his P20,000 sales including his expensive watch, bracelet, two cellular phones, laptop, and ATM cards.

The victims were padlocked inside the delivery van before the robbers fled on their motorcycle. Azarcon told the police that they were able to get out of the van by destroying the door and immediately reported the incident to the police station.

Members of the Carcar City police are still conducting investigation to identify the people behind the robbery. (FREEMAN)

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