Internet café still operates in city condo sans permit

CEBU, Philippines - An illegal Internet operation continues at the Cebu City Hillyland Dormitory despite demand from the city government for the operators to secure the necessary permit.

The City Treasurer’s Office earlier required Internet Café operator Rolando Abasolo to secure mayor’s permit but the latter reportedly failed to submit the necessary requirements.

Councilor Margot Osmeña said she was informed by the treasurer’s office that Abasolo applied for a permit. In his application, he claimed to have a capital of P250,000.

However, a joint inspection team from the city government found out that Abasolo is doing business inside the city condominium along Natalio Bacalso Avenue. The team recommended for Abasolo to secure a lease contract with the city government for the use of the government property before he could be granted business permit.

But, Abasolo failed to secure a lease contract until now and yet continue to operate his Internet business.   

The operation started long time ago allegedly upon the permission of the dormitory administrator. It did not secure a business permit on the argument that it only caters to the students living in the dormitory.

There are 12 computers operated inside the dormitory which building administrator Dante Tabucal said, are very necessary for the students.

Tabucal was appointed by Mayor Michael Rama as caretaker after the City Council approved to convert the five-storey building into a dormitory for students from the mountain barangays.

The dormitory was acquired by the city government through a foreign loan in 1994. The illegal Internet operation at the dormitory was discovered by Osmeña because of its high electric consumption last year. – (FREEMAN)

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