DOH defends move of Badian midwife

CEBU, Philippines - For the health department, the midwife was correct in sending a pregnant woman to the Badian District Hospital instead of allowing her to deliver in the birthing center.

DOH 7 Director Dr. Asuncion Anden said premature babies need incubation right away and birthing centers do not have this equipment.

Anden also clarified that it is standard operating procedure to refer a difficult case to a higher level facility.

“It actually depends on the assessment of the health worker. But we, to the best of our abilities will help. But kung dili kaya, ngano pugson man? Otherwise, mamatay na or mosamot and the health worker will be liable for it,” she explained.

Anden also said it is not necessary for a health worker to accompany the transfer of a patient to a higher level health facility because it might jeopardize the other waiting patients’ condition.

In Capitol, the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) has started its investigation on the incident.

PSWDO officer-in-charge Evelyn Senajon went to Badian to meet the parents of the baby girl who was born in a trisikad (pedal-pushed tricycle) but fell on the road that caused her untimely death.

Benjamin and Regina Javierto, told Senajon they went to the birthing center when Regina felt labor pains.

They also said that while in the birthing center, no one even offered to take Regina’s blood pressure.

When the birthing center  personel learned that she was only

seven months pregnant, they told her she could not be accommodated as they do not have an incubator.

Benjamin said he was hoping that his wife will be allowed to give birth in the center and will only be transferred to the district hospital when the baby is out.

But the midwife reportedly insisted to let them go to the district hospital.

Another midwife called a trisikad for them and while on their way to the hospital, Regina gave birth to a baby girl.

But the baby fell on the road while her umbilical cord was entangled in the wheel.

The baby was buried last Tuesday and Senajon said the parents are determined to fight for justice for their lost child, which would have been their ninth.

Senajon said they have yet to get the account of the midwives on duty during the incident.

She also said the Integrated Provincial Health Office may continue with the investigation as the case is a concern of the IPHO.

PSWDO just conducted the initial investigation as they had to deliver a sack of rice to the family as assistance from the Provincial Government.

PSWDO is still processing the P5,000 financial assistance for the parents of the baby.

The coffin was donated by a private funeral parlor.

The municipal government of Badian is conducting a separate investigation on the matter.  (FREEMAN)

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