Ralota eyes solar power for Barangay T. Padilla

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Councilor Michael Ralota, president of the Association of Barangay Captains, is planning to install solar panels in his barangay to cut cost in its monthly power consumption.

Ralota who is also barangay captain of T. Padilla said that his plan was supported by the members of the barangay council. He said that the use of solar panels will be the main power source of the barangay which monthly electric consumption reaches up to P13,000.

"Aron mi katipid (So we can save)," Ralota said.

Although it is costly to acquire the equipment but Ralota is optimistic that in five years time there will be enough money to cover the cost.

The Barangay Hall of T. Padilla has a lot of appliances such as air conditioning sets, water pumps, and computers. Ralota's quotation for the whole project may account up to P8 million. The funds for the project will be taken from his Local Development Fund.

Ralota said he wanted to use the fund for his "pilot" project instead of using it to buy new cars for him and his staff.

"We will be the first barangay that has an innovation like this," Ralota said.

The idea came from Ralota's constant attending of energy seminars. He was presented with a study that solar panels are efficient in energy saving. Even if it rains, there will be a battery bank that allows the panels' continued supply of energy.

Ralota also plans to install 18 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras in the barangay which will be connected directly to its website.

"This is for public safety. I can check the barangay's security wherever I am," Ralota said.

This project will be implemented by October of this year.  (FREEMAN)

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