300 City Hall workers did not get renewals

 CEBU, Philippines - On the last day of his first term, re-elected Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama continued announcing his new set of department heads as his second term starts on Monday.

He added that the renewal of casual employees will be divided into two types: two months and three months, depending on the assessment of their performance by new HRDO chief Atty. Dominic Diño.

As of 4 p.m. yesterday, 300 City Hall workers were not in the released list of casual workers whose appointments were renewed. But it was not clear if the 300 already lost their jobs for good, as the issuance of appointments will continue on Monday.

There were about 100 workers who were given two months probationary period, most of them having served City Hall for a long time now. Others who were “competent” were given three months renewal.

Those who were not given appointment as of yesterday were advised to check with their respective department heads because the processing of renewal continues on Monday.

 As for the department heads, concurrent city administrator Atty. Jose Marie Poblete was appointed as chief of City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) to be assisted by outgoing department head Engr. Boy Bacalso.

Former city veterinarian Dr. Alice Utlang, who was replaced by her assistant Dr. Pilar Romero, was detailed at the City Department of Agriculture.

“We are giving her what she wants. She will now be back to the agriculture office,” Rama told reporters.

Utlang earlier asked Rama through the media that should she be removed from the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF) and returned to the agriculture office where she was previously assigned before appointed as the city veterinarian.

Rama and Utlang's professional relationship turned sour after she and five other department heads reportedly walked out from the mayor's office in a meeting accordingly called to seek their support for his reelection bid.

Other department heads who were with Utlang were former Department of Manpower Development and Placement (DMDP) chief Fidel Magno, who was yesterday announced to be the Cebu City Resource Management and Development Center (CREMDEC) chief.

Magno will be accompanied by his assistant office head Maricon Encabo.

Former City Disaster Risk Reduction Office (CDRRMO) chief Cathy Yso will now head Operation Second Chance.

Starting Monday, Cebu City Medical Center (CCMC) will have its new finance department in-charge, Arlene Rentusa.

Rentusa, former internal control office chief, was also said to be with Magno and Utlang in walking out of Rama's office.

The former General Services Office (GSO) department head was announced to have been detailed at the Department of Public Service (DPS).

City Traffic Operations Management Office (CITOM) will have two new officials starting Monday: Engineer Josefa “Joy” Ylanan who will now head the CITOM Engineering department while Veronica Morelos is the new Administrative Head.

Guba Emergency Hospital will be headed by Dr. Fe Cabugao.

The mayor further announced officials retained to their positions.

Florito “Carlo” Dugaduga remains the city information office chief and so is the secretary to the mayor Belinda Navascues.

Another retained official is the CCMC assistant chief Dr. Myrna Go.

Rama did not announce who will replace city treasurer Emma Villarete whose appointment expires on July 17.  (FREEMAN)

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