Santos asks court to deny prosecutor’s motion vs her bail

CEBU, Philippines - Citing lack of merit, the camp of Bella Ruby Santos, accused in the kidnap-slay of a six-year old girl, is seeking the denial of the motion for reconsideration filed by the prosecution.

As that developed, Santos’ British boyfriend and co-accused, Ian Charles Griffiths, sent a press statement saying he is delighted with Santos’ bail.

Judge Ester Veloso of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 6 earlier granted the petition to post bail filed by Santos while the main case for kidnapping with homicide is still pending.

The prosecution, through lawyers Inocencio dela Cerna and Hazan Bargamento, challenged the order by filing a motion. The two claimed that the prosecution was able to present witnesses that would prove the kidnapping.

The defense, however, said that the only way to stop the release of Santos was a temporary restraining order (TRO).

“It is basic that bail application in capital offenses is both summary and interlocutory in nature and as such, a motion for reconsideration for its grant is a prohibited pleading. A grant of bail is immediately executor unless the prosecution can secure a TRO from the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court, for which there is none in this case,” the opposition reads.

Lawyer Rameses Villagonzalo said the filing of motion was to delay things, adding that the prosecution failed to prove their claim on the kidnapping issue.

He said the prosecution relied solely on the testimonies of their “false witnesses”. However, this was contradicted by the prosecution.

Meanwhile, yesterday was the supposed hearing of the motion for reconsideration filed by the prosecution but this was reset after the prosecution manifested to file a supplemental motion.

Judge Veloso gave them, 10 days to file.

Griffiths’ statement

In a press release, Ian Charles Griffiths, the British boyfriend of Santos, expressed his happiness on the development of  the case and for the release of Santos from jail after she posted P500,000 bail.

“I am highly delighted by the news that Bella has, at last, left the confines of her cell in Naga City Jail,” he said.

Griffiths also clarified that he is not at large and is evading justice in the Philippines.

“Remember that I was arrested and questioned about these offenses by police officers from Scotland Yard and I then spent some twelve weeks on bail while the police sought to obtain further information from their opposite numbers in Cebu,” a press statement reads.

Thereafter, he said he was released by the police after there was no case for him to answer.

Santos and Griffiths were accused of kidnapping with homicide for the death of Ellah Joy Pique. —JPM (FREEMAN)

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