Robber strikes bakeshop

CEBU, Philippines - A helmeted man on a motorcycle ordered bread from a bakeshop in Sitio Banawa, Barangay Guadalupe, early morning yesterday, but instead of paying for the bread he robbed the bakeshop instead.

Bakery tender Hermia Arnado, 18, said the man came around 3 a.m. parked his motorcycle nearby and approached the bakeshop.

He asked for two loaves of Spanish bread.  After she gave him his order and asked for payment the man pulled out a gun instead and declared a hold-up.

Arnado said the man then ordered her to open the door of the bakeshop.  The man came in and ordered her and the baker, 21-year-old Adrian Aventurado, to squat with their hands over their heads as he emptied the cashier P7,000 earnings.

He also took Arnado’s personal money amounting to P1,400.  Arnado, in an interview, said she was thankful that she is still alive, even with her money taken away.

“Na, kun nagmagahi sad mi ato, amo sad nga kinabuhi mawala. Mao na lang g’yud pod na among pakamatyan,” said Arnado, cried as she talked to the media.

Policemen assigned to the Guadalupe Police Station are now looking for the robber.   (FREEMAN)

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