As lenten sacrifice Catholic faithful told: Avoid Facebook, Twitter

CEBU, Philippines - A Church official urges the faithful to temporarily refrain from using Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites as part of one’s sacrifice for the Holy Week and for the success of the conclave.

Cebu Archdiocese Episcopal Vicar Monsignor Esteban Binghay told The Freeman that this would be a sacrifice on behalf of the cardinals who will be voting for a new Pope to lead the 1.2 billion Catholics all over the world.

“Refrain from using Facebook and some other social media sites for a time to sacrifice ourselves temporarily for the success of conclave and as we celebrate the Holy Week.”

Aside from social media sites, he also included limiting time for television.

“Mosakripisyo ta sa atong mga naandang buhaton, nga maglingawlingaw, aron ato ning ikahalad sa kalampusan sa conclave, sa kalampusan sa pagpili sa bag-ong Santo Papa. Kini usab atong mga sakrispisyo, maghatag og kalig-on, lamdag ug pag-abag kanila (cardinals) nga makapili og maayong Santo Papa,” Binghay said. (Let’s make the sacrifice of limiting time for the activities that we usually do. Let’s pray for the success of the conclave in choosing a new pope.)

Binghay also pointed out three things that the faithful should be doing during the Holy Week.

“Cuaresma na man ta, nagsingabot na man ang semana santa, pahimuslan nato kini nga atong palagman ang atong mga bulahaton matag adlaw alang sa Ginoo,” Binghay said. (Lent is coming so let us be more deeply involved in things that we offer to God.)

He calls for prayer, fasting and doing charity works.

Binghay emphasizes that fasting does not only mean lessening food intake or not to eat meat during the Holy Days. The true meaning of fasting, according to Binghay, is to share what we have to the less-fortunate brothers and sisters.

“Ang puasa, nagpasabot kini nga makahatag ug makapaambit ta sa uban. Mao kini ang bunga sa atong pag-ampo. Daghan kaayong mga kabus, busa tagaan nato sila og paglaum pinaagi sa pag-share kung unsay naa nato nga wala nila sama sa pag-atiman sa Diyos kanato,” Binghay said. (Fasting also means sharing what we have with others. Let us give hope to the poor by sharing to them our blessings.)

“Katong wala nato kuhaa, wala nato gamita, ihatag sa uban, dili nato taguan. Maghatag ta’g paglaum sa mga wala gyud makatilaw og kaharuhay,”Binghay added. (The things that we have but we no longer need, let us give these to others instead of keeping them. Let’s help those who have not experienced in luxury.)— /JPM (FREEMAN)

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