Comelec asks: Help pin down poll violators

CEBU, Philippines - Step up and file a complaint.

This was the request of Commission on Elections (COMELEC)-7 Regional Director Atty. Temie Lambino to the general public amid reports of alleged campaign violations from different political parties both local and national.

The agency admittedly is undermanned, juggling several tasks, making it impossible to watch over all candidates for possible election violations.

Hence, they are urging the citizens to help them in monitoring the candidates saying eye witness accounts would be very helpful.

“It is not enough that we act upon things that we did not personally see. If you see campaign materials displayed on non-designated areas, take a photo of it, give it to COMELEC,” Lambino said.

He emphasized the importance of citizen vigilance and cooperation.

“It is the responsibility of the public to help us. When you witness a possible violation, file a formal complaint to our office so that we can investigate and could even file for disqualification cases,” Lambino told The FREEMAN.

Despite having the mandated size, when the campaign material is placed in undesignated areas like in a private place without the owner’s permission or at posts along the road, these are considered illegal, he added.

Once informed about an alleged violation, COMELEC will notify the candidates mentioned by the material.

Failure to remove the posted materials three days after gives the agency the go signal to file for refusing COMELEC order of removal.

Citing the issue on Liberal Party (LP) senatorial candidate Jamby Madrigal, the Central Visayas COMELEC chief highlighted the present commissioner’s thrust in tracking down erring candidates.

“If for the past years no serious case prospered on election violation, this time it’s different. The Commissioner is really serious with filing cases against these candidates,” Lambino said.

The regional director also noted a notification sent to a national candidate made possible by a citizen complaint in Bohol.

In response to reports that Cebu City’s Prevention Restoration Order Beautification Enhancement (PROBE) team does not prioritize removal of illegal posters, Lambino said he understands their fear of being branded and identified with a political party.

“I do not believe they do not want to remove illegal election materials. The COMELEC has deputized the LGUs to help us in removing these illegal posters. I understand that some are afraid of being tagged as favoring one party over the other. Which is why during operations, someone from COMELEC should accompany them,” Lambino explained.  (FREEMAN)

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