
Dear Dr. Jen,

I have an old scar on my arm from a cyst that was removed. It became whiter than my skin after a few months.  I’ve been using sebo de macho on it, but the color has remained the same.  Is there a soap or cream that can help even out the white scar so it will match my skin color?


Dear Didi,

Among all the scars out there, white scars are the most challenging to treat. While most go away by themselves over time, some remain. Re-pigmenting old, white scars are often treated with a fractional laser. Fractional laser can make new skin come out of the scar, enhance collagen remodeling and hopefully bring about normal-skin colored cells to appear.

Soap will not really help with scars. The most that soaps can do is to moisturize the area. Treatment using UV radiation or microdermabrasion can help. Some serums can also enhance re-pigmentation, but these are often prescribed by your PDS derma.

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Dear Dr. Jen,

I have so many calluses on my feet.  I’m trying to get as much foot spas as often as possible but it often recurs.


Dear Marti,

With the sandal and flip-flop season among us, it is time to put your beautiful toes on display again.  Appearances of calluses can mar this, especially if these are found on the visible part of the foot.  Calluses are thickened skin, specifically called the stratum corneum.  These are caused by repeated rubbing or prolonged pressure applied on the area.  Most commonly, it is started by wearing footwear that is a size or half a size too small.

Foot spas may make it worse.  Frequent rubbing with sandpaper or some instrument to smoothen skin can also lead to making skin thicker. A simple solution is wearing bigger and more comfortable closed shoes or wearing open-toed shoes all the time.  If this is not possible, placing pads around the area to decrease pressure on it can also be done. Surgery or paring is your last option.

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