Health Feng Shui 2019

Many occupants of houses and offices were affected by the measles outbreak earlier this year. And other illnesses continue to hound everyone.

How to prevent bad health this year of the Earth Pig 2019 by applying Feng Shui? There are four ways to do it, and best if done all at once as soon as possible:

1.  Orientation of your bed should be to your health luck direction.  Beware of quack Feng Shui at the internet sites and swindler practitioners in the market.

2.  Put a car blind-spot mirror atop the center of your main door facing outside as primary filter like a face mask!

3.  Feng Shui your house and office for healthy cash flows. Lack of money causes diseases!

4.  Simply hang a six-rod metal wind chime at the Northeast of your bedroom and office.

These four strong remedies will keep the bad winds of infection and contamination away.

If already sick, wait for my advice on Healing Feng Shui.

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