Sinulog Survival Kit

CEBU, Philippines — It’s the big day today! The Fiesta Senor festivities culminate in the Sinulog Grand Parade. Thousands are expected to join in the revelry. There’s going to be chaos in the streets, for sure. Surviving the whole shebang is a challenge.

Those going out to the grand parade might as well take a moment for a final check on preparedness:

Sunglasses. One’s festival outfit won’t be complete without a pair of sunglasses. It could be searing hot out there today, and it’s important to protect the eyes from blinding light and the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Sunblock. UV rays are not only harmful to the eyes but to the skin as well. Skin protection will go a long way amid tropical heat hereabouts. A tube of sunblock, preferably with SPF 50, can protect the skin from getting sunburn from the day out.

Water Bottle. With all the walking to do, the heat and the singing, one is most likely to get thirsty. A filled water bottle on hand is the ready solution.

Umbrella. It good protection from sudden rain showers have poured during Sinulog. Be ready for drizzles with a trusted umbrella, preferably a compact one that can fit in one’s bag.

Wipes/Towels. Whether it will be raining or sunny, anyone participating in Sinulog will surely be wet one way or another. Bring a handy towel to wipe away sweat and wipes to wipe away other substances that might cling unto the skin or clothes. Never forget that cleanliness is next to godliness.

Waterproof Cell Phone Pouch. The rowdy character of the Sinulog grand parade coupled with the unpredictability of the Philippine weather can connive to pose a risk of gadgets getting wet from sudden rain showers, and beer and water from revelers. Securing one’s phone, camera and other gadgets in a waterproof pouch will save the day.

Sinulog Apps. Certain apps (downloaded on one’s phone) can be very helpful in navigating around the city (Google Maps & Waze) and in booking transport services (Grab, Uber and Angkas).

Powerbank. Given today’s high dependence on gadgets, there is nothing as scary as a dead battery. As charging outlets would be hard to find along the parade route, a powerbank could come handy, so one need not have to worry about drained battery and instead focus on having fun.

To avoid getting the Sinulog spirit damped, one only needs to prepare for possible troubles ahead.



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