Angel’s Glittering Debut

It was a royal party with a glittering celebration of Angel Denise Aguirre’s 18th birthday… a glorious entry in the list of adulthood. The debutante, a fairy tale princess, gorgeous and quite stunning in her blue ball gown… was breathtakingly beautiful. She is the only daughter of Peter and Alice Aguirre.

The big gathering, held at Casino Español de Cebu, was mostly composed of millennials in their formal attires as was requested in the invites. Close relatives and friends were in dancing attendance, also dressed to the nines. After dinner, the program started with the all-boys presenting 18 roses to Angel, who was seated at her throne on stage with huge roses as backdrop. This was led by her Dad Peter and brother Ian.

Next was the presentation of Treasures (gifts to the birthday girl), by Ninangs and relatives, followed by lighting of 18 candles by the all-girls led by Mom Alice. And last to be presented was the dance of the debutante with her escort David Pamaran… the Cottillion. Angel changed her gown with a light pink lace ball gown as she danced the Cotillion. After which, her Dad Peter took Angel to the dance floor, and the rest of the participants danced all the way.

Angel thanked the Lord for this blessing of reaching the age of 18, her parents for giving her a grand birthday celebration, and to all who came to grace this beautiful celebration.

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