3 spring fashion trends to buy, and 3 to skip

We've been eyeing spring fashion since garments first came down the runway back in September. But now, it's finally getting warm enough to wear some of the trends we've been craving all winter long.

But of course, we're talking about fashion here, and that means that this season alone there are like, a billion new(ish) trends. This year, instead of breaking the bank on every single fad, you should be smarter about your purchases and really pick and choose.

In the spirit of contributing to our 401(k) and not going broke on clothes, we've narrowed down the biggest spring trends, along with which ones you should buy into and which you should skip. Happy shopping (and saving).

1 Buy: Contrasting stitching

It looks smart, it's easy to wear and it's pretty timeless. Buy, buy, buy.

2 Skip: Slip dresses

We're going to be honest: Slip dresses are unforgiving. The thin, silky material clings to every curve. Not to mention they are hard to wear during the day or to the office. It's best to skip this trend.

3 Buy: An updated white button-up

A white shirt is a white shirt, is a white shirt. Until it's not. This new trend flips the classic on its head. Chuck your boring white button-up and instead opt for one with a plunging neck or an interesting wrap detail. You'll have it forever and it'll match anything.




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