10 healthy lifestyle tips for kids

CEBU, Philippines - Do you remember when you learned to ride a bike? The most important part was getting the balance right. Once you could balance easily, the pedals could turn smoothly, to drive the wheels and get the bike moving. 

The same thing is true when it comes to choosing our food. Once you have learned to carefully balance the amounts and types of foods you eat, all the organs in the body will function smoothly and the body will work efficiently. 

Here are 10 tips to help you stay fit and healthy. It’s as easy as riding a bike, once you’ve got the balance right!

 1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food.

Sharing a meal with family and friends at home or at school is a great way to enjoy food. It is fun to see other people’s choice of food – what do your friends eat? Do you yourself try different foods every day? Check out your lunch box or dinner plate. How many different kinds of fruit and vegetables can you spot?



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