The value of doing house chores

CEBU, Philippines – Just because a child is still small he or she may not be involved in the various chores around the house. There are a lot of house chores that small children can help in. Most families expect children to contribute in some way to the family life.

Some children help out when their parents ask them to. But the children themselves may volunteer to do certain household tasks fit their ages and personal capacities. Either way, getting children involved benefits everyone.

Research shows that children learn in many ways about family relationships and how their family functions. Being involved in household chores is one way they can learn.

When children contribute to family life, it also helps them feel competent and responsible. Sharing housework can minimize stress in a family. It helps the family to work better when everybody participates in the running of the household, including the small kids.

The very small kids can at least learn to properly tuck away their playthings after use. They may also help in putting place mats on the dining table. They may also be taught to hand to Daddy the day’s newspaper, or to Mommy her phone.

The bigger kids may help set the table for meals; they may even help in preparing the meals, under Mommy’s supervision. Putting used clothes in the hamper and putting books back in the shelf are other things these kids can do. They can also ask older family members about other ways they can help around the house.

The much bigger kids can take care of watering the plants and looking after the house pets. They can even learn to mop the floor and take out the garbage. It takes only initiative and eagerness to help in the house tasks.

But then again, children must only take on tasks that fit their ages and abilities. A chore that’s too hard or too much for a child can be frustrating – or even dangerous. On the other hand, a task that’s too easy for the child might only bore him or her.

It may take some consulting or discussing with the parents or older family members to determine which house chores the child may do. But the general ideas is that a child who is trained with the works around the house is being prepared for the grownup role that he or she is soon going to have in the grownup world. And that child will have the ability to soon take on adult responsibilities with self-confidence.


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