High in Tagaytay

CEBU, Philippines – Tagaytay, like the concept of the family, has evolved through the years. This cool southern Philippine town that sits on a ridge overlooking the majestic Taal Lake has, through the years, become more than just an easy escape from the congestion and pollution of Metro Manila.

The place, to many visitors today, provides a respite for the spirit.

Rising roughly 600 meters above sea level and frequently kissed by mist in the mornings, Tagaytay is a weekend family trip regardless of how you define “family.” Whether traveling with the kids, quirky cousins, gramps, both parents, a single parent, or some indulgent grand aunt, or all of them, here are ideas for visitors to Tagaytay to try, whether for a day or over a weekend.

A Dad-and-Daughter Trek

WHY GO. Taal Volcano is one of the most peculiarly beautiful landscapes to ever feast your eyes on.  This tiny volcano is reminiscent of a Russian matryoshka doll, as subsequent eruptions gave rise to a simmering caldera that has made the entire thing an island within a lake within a volcano within a lake.  While those who dare to venture on a hike are mostly groups of friends, it can also be a perfect dad-and-daughter bonding session.

THE GAMEPLAN. After renting a car in Manila and spending the night at Summit Ridge Hotel along Aguinaldo Highway, dad and daughter wake up early to  peer at the balcony for a front- row seat to the sunrise over Taal Lake.  They can stretch at the balcony while imbibing those fleeting moments of inspiration before proceeding into Taal’s terrain, on their trek. A moderately heavy breakfast is recommended before heading down to the jump-off point at any of the lakeside resorts downhill.

The trek begins by crossing the lake via a colorful outrigger boat.  On a nice, sunny day, the water is still and glassy.  The boat docks at the shore of a small town called Talisay.  From there, dad and daughter can opt to hike to the crater or ride on horseback.  While vegetation is rich and lush, there are areas that will sizzle under the heat of the sun.  Crevices from the hardened lava will hiss with steam.  Expect to pass by a number of local kids on horsebacks.

Once at the top, the emerald green lake reveals itself as well as the tiny shard of land off its shore within the crater.  The one way on the trek should take a maximum of 45 minutes.

On returning to Tagaytay City, they may freshen up and get ready to enjoy the best kare-kare, tilapia, and garlic prawns in town at View Park Hotel.  In the evening, dad and daughter can trade stories about the trek over a drink at the homey Sisterfields Restaurant right inside Summit Ridge.

A nice room-service massage is good to have afterwards, to loosen those muscles.

DON’T MISS. Dad and daughter should try the Red Lava Trail for an unobstructed view of the island within the lake.  But caution – the path is narrow and can be a little tricky.

Breaking the Ice with Long-lost Cousins

WHY GO. Busy schedules, not seeing each other for months or years on end, and growing apart from one another are only some of the facts about cousins.  When it’s time for the cousins to meet up again after a long time, it can get a little “awkweird” just hanging around the house not knowing how to start a conversation.  Sometimes, it takes a little adventure to get everyone warmed up with each other again.

The range of activities possible in Tagaytay is a good platform for the cousins to get together again.  They can either opt to make Tagaytay their jump-off point to an afternoon of crazy water sports at Taal Lake, or go on a roller coaster of a day at the Sky Ranch.  Tagaytay’s cool and clean climate makes it incredibly tempting to hit the outdoors and camp out so the cousins can share stories over s’mores and a crackling bonfire.  The visitors may just have to drag themselves back to the city.

THE GAMEPLAN. Round up the gang for a trip to Tagaytay on long weekend. Titos and titas will appreciate the space and time off with the young ones out for a while. It is also a great opportunity for the cousins do some updates among themselves after a long time of not seeing one another since they graduated from college.

The cousins’ adventure may start by camping out at Nature Discovery Camp. It’s a good chance to team up with cousins one hasn’t exactly been able to have real conversations with, in a tent. The camp is a sprawling property of green rolling hills which the gang can easily hike around in.  One or two folding bikes are nice to bring along, to explore the place. Come night time, everyone may huddle in a circle and share drinks and grilled skewers at dinner.

On Day 2, they may check in at Summit Ridge Hotel and get ready for another round of adventure.  Right after breakfast, they may head out to Taal Lake for some water sports.  Or go parasailing for a panoramic view of Taal Lake and Taal Volcano.  Or speed past the surface of the water on a Fly Fishing adventure.  There are a number of other fun rides and activities to experience.

A hearty lunch awaits at Bag of Beans, before proceeding to the Sky Ranch for a combination of wild and mild rides with the cousins.  The Ferris Wheel is better saved for sunset, so the guys can lean back, sip on some soda, and watch that beautiful golden sun disappearing.

They may grab some heavy snacks at Mushroom Burger and end the day with a nice massage at the QiWellness Living.  QiWellness is a tea house and bath house overlooking Taal Lake. It offers signature massages or the cousins may take a dip at its yin-yang pool.

A Date With Tita

WHY GO. Clean, cool and oxygenated, Tagaytay is everything the Big City can only hope to be.  Iftentimes, Tagaytay is the first that comes to mind when urbanites need some fresh air without having to drive for hours on end or book a plane ticket just to give their lungs and lives a break.  A wellness journey begins at Nurture Wellness Village, in Barangay Maitim, to detox the favorite auntie from the week’s nega-vibes.  The place is surrounded by lush foliage and punctuated by Filipino-inspired cottages, like the contemporary Ifugao huts that are complete with a lounge, a massage area, and a nice, wide window for gazing at the nature outside.

THE GAMEPLAN. Begin the weekend by signing up for early morning yoga sessions either at Nurture or at Shanti Spa Village to clear your and tita’s minds. Be sure to book in advance. Bring your own yoga mat and get ready to do that sun salutation in the midst of a tropical garden.

Also sign up for some quick meditation and positive-thinking sessions at the Brahma Kumaris Retreat Center.  There are sessions on the art of forgiving and forgetting, if either of you is in some way emotionally burdened; there are also interesting sessions on karma.

Take a quick trip to Caleruega Chapel and follow its meandering garden path. Then, savor a healthy lunch at Taza Fresh Table Restaurant, before heading back to Nurture to lounge by the pool over a cup of tarragon tea while catching up on the latest family buzz.  Day 2, if ever, is better spent on a spa package that will leave both of you ready to conquer the coming week.

DON’T MISS. Get a nice rubdown with tita on any of the Filipino healing traditions.  The Nilaib massage makes use of comfortably hot pouches filled with Filipino herbs that can easily sooth a tired soul.

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