An apple a day

CEBU, Philippines – A popular old-time saying about apples has proven itself right. Health experts today are one in extolling the many nutritional benefits that the shiny, beautiful red fruit gives. Some people even believe that apples may provide a cure to certain ailments.

Not only does apple boosts the immune system, it is also a good liver cleanser, prevents cataracts, controls weight, and helps keep the heart healthy.

And taking apple has also been made more convenient and easy - in juice form. While enjoying the good fruit raw is also an option, it can be at times cumbersome and messy for some. Others prefer to just savor the goodness of apple in one nice gulp.

Just one serving of apple juice already gives the body a good boost of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It has Vitamin C and polyphenol antioxidants which work to improve overall health and wellbeing. It also contains a generous amount of potassium to keep the heart healthy and strong.

There are a string of other benefits from drinking apple juice:

1.Protects the heart. Because of the antioxidant flavonoids and phytonutrients in apples, drinking apple juice helps lower the risk of heart disease.

2.  Goodbye asthma. Because apple juice is so high in antioxidants, it can very well help prevent asthma attacks. A study has associated apple consumption with decreased risk of asthma.

3. Prevents cancer. Apple juice not only has antioxidant activity, it also has antimutagenic characteristics, anti-inflammatory mechanisms, and immunity features, among others. All these help reduce the risk of cancer.

4.  Improves memory. A new study shows drinking apple juice may improve memory. By preventing the decline of an essential neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine, drinking apple juice may help improve one's memory.

5. Helps fight Alzheimer's Disease. Antioxidant-rich apple juice may also reduce problems associated with memory loss and help fight Alzheimer's disease.

Interestingly, there's one brand of apple juice that's most popular and supposedly most effective.

When Rolando Ygot's six-year old son contracted dengue recently, the doctor prescribed for the boy to take "Mott's." The father asked the doctor what "Mott's" was. "Apple juice," the doctor replied.

Rolando inquired if any brand of apple juice would do, in case Mott's was not available. The doctor firmly reiterated, "Mott's." Rolando did as told and his son regained his health.

The boy's recovery might not have been solely because of Mott's. But considering the healthful qualities of apple juice, drinking Mott's must have helped. Incidentally, this particular story about dengue and Mott's is quite common in Cebu and neighboring areas; in fact, Cebu reportedly comprises the biggest bulk of Mott's market in the country.

Proving the curative properties of apples may still be a long process. But the nutritional value of the fruit has long been confirmed. Indeed: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

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