
Dear Dr. Jen,

I’ve had on and off rashes on my body for the past two years. I use a cream called Chinese BL cream and it goes away.  However, it comes back again after a few weeks.  I don’t have any budget to buy expensive medicines.  What are my alternatives?


Dear Masi,

Effective medicine need not be expensive.  My biggest concern in using improperly labeled creams is the main content in them.  Steroids are carelessly used in these preparations.  Prolonged use of steroidal creams can cause a lot of side effects (thinned skin, infections etc.) not to mention the dangers of systemic absorption into your blood stream.

Another commonly used ingredient is salicylic acid.  This acid was used for so many ailments before the advent of more effective medicines.  Though the claims of anti-acne, anti-fungal, anti-scabies and anti-bacterial might have held true several decades ago, there are better medicines to choose from now.  Side effects of salicylic acid are irritation, peeling, rashes, stinging and other more serious outcomes.

The most important thing is to find out what you have: is it an infection, an allergy, a chronic condition?  After the diagnosis is made by your PDS dermatologist, discussion of cheap alternative treatments is your next step.  For sure your PDS derma will gladly offer other kinds of therapy available that are not pricey yet still effective.  Good luck!


Dear Dr. Jen,

Is it possible to get skin diseases from my dogs?  I noticed that I have red circles on my arms and it started when we got some new puppies.


Dear Nicki,

Fungal and bacterial infections, as well as other parasites, can be transmitted from dogs. Microsporum and trichophyton are known species that can cause a ringworm-like infection in dogs, cats and also on humans.  If the fungus goes to your scalp, it can also cause bald spots.

Depending on the area affected, antifungal creams are usually warranted for several weeks. However, a word of caution to people who are allergic to dog hair:  Dog hair allergy can also present as round, itchy red rashes.  To differentiate between the two, a laboratory test known as the KOH (potassium hydroxide stain) can identify a fungal infection.  When unsure, your PDS derma will ask for this test.

Antifungal creams should not be mixed with any steroid as this may delay healing of the infection. Antifungal creams should be used for at least two weeks to achieve cure.  Also, make sure to treat the skin immediately surrounding the red circles.

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