Dry skin

Dear Dr Jen,

I have tried using different kinds of Papaya soap and haven't really noticed any changes in the color of my skin.  Which brand really works to whiten my skin?  And which one doesn't cause dryness?


Dear Wil,

Papaya soap contains papain, which is an enzyme that breaks down the outermost layer of dead skin cells. Papain helps remove the dead skin layer, thereby exposing a new layer of skin underneath. This is akin to exfoliation, similar to using pumice stones or scrubs.  There is NO actual bleaching/whitening of skin involved. This goes for any brand of papaya soap (check for presence of papain).  If you are interested in getting a safe bleaching procedure or product, check with your nearest board-certified PDS dermatologist.

While removing the upper most layer of the skin may seem to produce a fairer complexion, it also dries up the skin. This applies to most brands unless it is manufactured with some moisturizing ingredient like coconut oil.  When using papaya soap, always follow it up with a good emollient.  A thick lotion will help seal in moisture after bathing and prevent minor scratches.

Dear Dr. Jen,

I am 40 years old and starting to be in need of a wrinkle-preventing beauty regimen. Where can I buy good quality anti-aging creams?  There are so many to choose from and all seem to claim to be the best.


Dear Cathy,

Congratulations on reaching 40!  This is a great time to use anti-aging formulas before the actual problematic wrinkles start appearing.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

There are numerous brands to choose from, coming in different price ranges. Don't let the packaging and marketing claims intimidate you.  First of all, start with a good anti-aging ingredient that has been proven and tested throughout time: retinol or tretinoin.   This can iron out fine lines, lighten sun spots and increase collagen formation.  The cheapest brand of retinol can be at Php300 and the most expensive at Php17,000.  All are almost equally effective.  Just make sure to use it sparingly as too much can give you redness and stinging.

The next ingredient to pick is a good antioxidant like vitamin C.  The retinol or antioxidant can also be incorporated into your moisturizing cream.  Thirdly, Alpha hydroxyl acids can also give you radiant skin.  However, make sure your morning starts with a reliable sunscreen.  Ultraviolet radiation is the number one perpetrator of aging, wrinkled skin.  If you are still confused, you can still get prescription medicine from your nearest PDS dermatologist.

The best thing to keep in mind in using any anti-aging regimen is not to expect miracles overnight.  These creams work slowly and surely over time.  Once you start to appreciate the benefits, make sure to keep at it.  Your skin will look wonderful even 20 years down the road.

Dr. Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) and is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH). For information on PDS, check http://www.pds.org.ph/. For questions or concerns, please text to: 0932 857 7070; or email to: askskinrepublic@gmail.com; or call The Freeman: (032) 2531276, or PSH: (032) 233 8620 and 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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