Desk Feng Shui

The first lesson of academic obedience I learned in prep school at La Salle Bacolod was "hands on the desk." Meaning with both palms clasped together you place it atop your schooldesk as a sign of disciplined obedience to your teacher. Back then I had no idea at all that my desk can be lucky or not for me - until feng shui education took the better of my life.

Today I am sharing with you the feng shui of work desks, applicable to both work or study tables, so you may understand carefully and apply it for your own progress in life - be it at school, at work, or at home.

Whether in elementary, high school or college - even masters or review schools - and struggling in quiet desperation at home and at work as an employee, employer or entrepreneur, your desk can spell the difference between success and failure in your personal endeavors.

Shapes. Best to have any of the following shapes: rectangle, square, L-shaped, curved (inward like half-moon) as these promote mental grounding and focus of the senses. Avoid circles or triangles as they are too yang, thereby one becomes unable to concentrate and even arrogantly aggressive!

Material. Wood, glass or metal desks can be used, even plastic. It depends on your feng shui element to make you relate to the energy vibes compatibly. Thus, if you are a Wood Feng Shui person, wood or glass is lucky for you, while metal is bad feng shui. Wood or laminates are good for the following personalities: wood, fire, water and earth. Metal people are fatigued easily using wood. They should use metal or glass. So be professionally guided in this respect by a genuine feng shui expert.

Size. The adage that the bigger the desk, the better and more powerful you are is just a status symbol myth. There are no hard and fast rules for this so long as you are comfortable depending on your size. Of course, you won't want a desk too small for your own size.

Color. Always follow your lucky feng shui color based on your feng shui element. Just note the following guides for energy vibes of desk colors: black opens your mind to possibilities, brown only supports your physical body but not the mind, white activates the mind but drains your body energy, gray focuses your mind but also drains your body, green strikes a sustainable balance of body and mind, muted colors may increase concentration and focus without draining much body energy. Avoid bright colors; they are too yang and they distract the eyes making the mind and body restless and unable to concentrate.

Feng Shui. This refers to the location and orientation of the desk, which must be fine tuned to your favorable feng shui, warts and all as advised by a professional geomancer. This influences one fourth of your career or work or business luck - even for students.

Chair. Of course, the same rules apply to your desk chair. Avoid chair designs with triangles, X's, crosses, and octagons as they are detrimental to the balanced flow of good chi or life energy to your mind, body and soul via your reflexology meridians and yoga chakras or energy centers. Be it adjustable, wheeled, reclining chairs, the same rules apply.

Enhance your desk luck by what you put on the desk. It's best to put a crystal globe for concentration and, if you wish, a plant, except bonsai which is bad feng shui. A tabletop reading lamp will also do. Just make sure the desk lighting does not cover your reading material with your own shadow, lest your damage your eyesight!

Avoid a cluttered desk. Zen simple minimalist desk is the best. So if you want to bring more zest in doing your best at work or personal study improvements, do feng shui of your desk/

Only then will you appreciate the good vibes of a customized feng shui desk that frees you from the stress and failures of a life of quiet desk-peration, in feng shui pun.

Unleash your best with your desk with these simple guidelines. Happy desk rearranging everyone!

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