Wearing braces

Dear Dr. Jen,

Ever since I have started wearing braces, my lips become so chapped. No matter how much lip balm I put on and keep licking my lips, it is still dry.  What is going on?  Am I the only one experiencing this?


Dear Tet,

This is a totally common problem for people who start wearing braces, though it is seldom discussed.  Braces take up space in the mouth causing irritation to the gums and sides of the mouth.  This can prompt dryness.  Licking your lips will worsen the situation since there is no moisturizing property to your saliva.

Lip balm containing vas alba, vitamin E or some natural oils are most helpful.  Plain old petroleum jelly can be one of the simplest and best remedies. Increasing liquid intake can help hydration. Trying to control the lip-licking should also aid your moisturizing mission. If you are fond of wearing lispstick, trying applying lipbalm under and over the lipstick to trap moisture on your lips.

Dear Dr. Jen,

My scalp is very oily.  I've been applying baking soda on it, but there is little improvement.  I get flakes every now and then.  Sometimes, after I finish at the gym, I can smell an awful smell on my hair.  Please help me.


Dear Nelly,

Oily and smelly scalp often go hand in hand.  Oil produced by the sebaceous glands on the scalp tend to increase after exercise, in hot temperature or under stress. There is also a likely a yeast infection called Pityrosporum folliculitis going on. Extra oil translates to extra food for the yeast that lives on our skin.  Oily scalp can encourage proliferation if the pityrosporum yeast.

Treating the yeast infection would entail using an anti-fungal shampoo or anti-fungal oral medication.  You can ask your PDS derma about it.  Controlling the oiliness is a little bit trickier.  There are medications you can take to lessen oil secretion.  But by shampooing more frequently, especially after sweating, can go a long way.  Shampooing daily and avoidance of applying conditioner on the scalp (but you can put on the hair shafts) may also aid your condition.

Dr. Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) and is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH). For information on PDS, check http://www.pds.org.ph/. For questions or concerns, please text to: 0932 857 7070; or email to: askskinrepublic@gmail.com; or call The Freeman: (032) 2531276, or PSH: (032) 233 8620 and 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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