8 Unforgettable Feng Shui!

Philippines, in its 117th year of independence - whether true or false - undoubtedly is now a feng shui country like its Asian neighbors Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and 'frenemy' Red China among others.

From personal experience, let me walk you through what I consider the eight most memorable feng shui consultations I had. For purposes of anonymity, the names of clients have been omitted intentionally.

1. Turnaround of National Air Flag Carrier. After labor strikes, a rehab plan was needed for the airline. Its foreign consultants from Hongkong finally advised the owner, "Let's turn to the feng shui man!" A whole building dressing-down feng shui revealed its former feng shui was biased to the right-hand man! So, after the remedies were put in place and a simple Maria Cristina Falls painting was installed at the CEO's office to generate sales and attract equity investment as well as juicy bottom-lines, it was back flying the friendly skies again.

2. Turnaround of North Luzon Expressway. During a Camp John Hay, Baguio, skating rink outing, by chance then Chief Financial Officer of the expressway asked me if feng shui can solve a 9-year old financing problem to rehab the NLEX. I said yes. And after office realignments done clandestinely in an Opus Dei-influenced workplace at Tektite, Ortigas, and a special turtle figurine - P13 billion was finally approved by the last non-consenting bank of the 11-bank loan consortium for the rehab after the visiting Vice President of said bank noticed the feng shui of the office with a turtle. His only remark: "Now you know what you are doing, let's get on with the project!"

3. Central Bank Feng Shui As Forex Hits Php 50 plus to a Dollar. A regular client bank president called me to be their gift to the Central Bank's Bank Supervision Division. Like a singing telegram, I knocked on her office, only to discover a much dreaded "bagua" or octagon Chinese mirror atop her office door. Right then, I explained it was bad feng shui (turned out it was a gift from Malaysian Finance Minister!). We had it removed and destroyed as feng shui cure. Only after explaining did she confess the problem: That week they had to bail out an emergency multibillion for a national bank which was then causing the forex quagmire further fueled by the political confidence problem brought about by Chavit Singson's expose at that time. The problem was solved as forex crisis tapered off in a week.

4. Accused in Leni Villa Hazing Case: Found Not Guilty After a Decade. The hazing victim's would-be savior and friend since prep school was accused after he brought victim to hospital. He lost his law career and was on hold-departure list for 10 years, already hampering any prospects of promotion and salary increases in his present job (where trainings for promotion were done abroad). His wife wanted to bring the kids to welfare states to study for free. His father-in-law was dead worried. Being a lawyer to a taipan family, the family gifted me as feng shui for the father-in-law to try. It became a six-month saga towards acquittal without the influential lawyer father pulling strings of influence at all. All it took was a feng shui legal amulet for winning cases which in the end the dad kept for his law office as he retired leaving his partners enjoy the winnings it continuously brings.

5. Taipan's Son Taipanhood Feng Shui. When we met, I was insulted by him, "Are you Chinese?" To which he was equally piqued when I retorted, "Are you really your father's son?" Thereafter we became best of friends as feng shui prioritized his life: first, he did bear a child - a first son in the family despite being the youngest accredited son. A gem for the taipan dad. Later he wanted to be playboy like his dad. So be it with proper playboy feng shui. And taipan too! Via feng shui, an airline in-flight magazine was born to rake in cash for the next taipan in their family. The project has been truly a cash cow up to now, not to mention the fringe benefits of VIP treatment and the honor a magazine publisher commands in society!

6. Multinational Consumer Firm Turnaround. In the early 90s, a leader multinational got into a feng shui crisis. Its hashtag design of an inverted triangle caught the ire of national distributors especially the Chinese Binondo and Divisoria cartels! They were bleeding P600 million a quarter after using the said design. The company's creative director summoned me to their board meeting. I told them, "Gentlemen, it takes genius to accept the obvious. Flip the triangle upward and protect it with a circular subliminal halo! The rest is history, as the insider guy I dealt with rose from marketing vice-president to CEO in due time.

7. Non-Presidential Feng Shui! Dealing with a former President may prove difficult in feng shui. First, he asked me about his long ears, inquiring if it was true what his former feng shui master told him that it meant a long life. I affrimed. But then he retorted, "I don't want to live over a hundred, only up to 99 years old. Why? I don't like to be called the man with two century eggs!" After that rapport, we conducted a non-presidential feng shui to protect from electoral cheating even PCOS hocus pocus worked in an adventurous manner more worthy than his movies and Hollywood CIA flicks. And all it took was a "secret" figurine! Want to know? Secret.

8. Presidential Feng Shui? A young mother wanted feng shui to benefit not only her and family but to continue the legacy of her father to be able to help the country and its people. Regular feng shui maintenance of home and office (from homebuilding to campaigns) now makes the young virtuous mother empowered to fulfill her father's dreams... for her, her family, and the country. Presidential feng shui? Only God knows really. But one thing is or sure, the real meaning of feng shui enablers in one's pursuit of happiness is the Confucian Way: happiness is found within oneself, in virtue and wisdom!

Freedom and independence in your pursuit of happiness is indeed one of the benefits of feng shui. Why not try it? Not only for a change but for real authentic change that uplifts the Spirit not only of oneself but of a society as a whole. Utopia? No, simply yin and yang harmony of feng shui.

No wonder the Philippines has fast evolved into a feng shui country these 117 years of independence. Truly it's more fun and in pun: May the Poe be with you! Poeing Shui 2016? Whatever.

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