A Lesson from the Waves

CEBU, Philippines – Crabs used to live on dry land near the shore. They wanted to be close to the sand, where they loved to play. They spent whole days playing during the day. At night, however, they had a problem.

One day the crabs had a meeting. One of them said, “What shall we do with the waves? They sing so loudly all the time that we cannot possibly sleep.”

“Well,” answered one of the oldest in the group, “I think we should fight them.”

The others agreed to the idea, and it was decided that the next day all the male crabs should get ready to fight the waves. On the day itself, the crabs headed for the sea, as agreed. On the way they met a shrimp.

“Where are you going, my friends?” asked the shrimp.

“We are going to fight the waves,” answered the crabs, “for they make so much noise at night that we cannot sleep.”

“Oh, really?” said the shrimp. “I do not think you will succeed, for the waves are very strong and your legs are so weak that even your bodies bend almost to the ground when you walk.” Then he laughed sarcastically.

The crabs got very angry. They ganged up on the shrimp until he promised to help them fight the waves.

Then they all proceeded to the water. Shortly, the crabs noticed that the eyes of the shrimp were set unlike their own, so they thought his must be wrong and they laughed at him.

“Friend shrimp,” they said, “your face is turned the wrong way. What weapons have you to fight with the waves?”

“My weapon is a spear on my head,” replied the shrimp, and just then he saw a big wave coming and ran away. The crabs did not see it, however, for they were all looking toward the shore. And so the wave covered them and they all drowned.

By and by the wives of the crabs became worried because their husbands did not return. They decided to go and check, or if they could help their men in the fight. No sooner had they reached the water, however, than the waves rushed over them and killed them, too.

Sometime after, thousands of little crabs appeared on the shore. The shrimp visited them often and told them of the sad fate of their parents. The story taught the little crabs a lesson in tolerance and consideration.

The new generation of crabs learned to live peacefully with the waves. They understood that the noise that the waves made was part of its nature and that they should let the waves be. They, instead, thought of a way in order to not be disturbed by the splashing noise at night. The crabs dug holes in the shore grounds where to retreat to when the noise of the waves become intolerable.

Today, crabs can be seen on the shore, frolicking, continually running back and forth. They have chosen to live in peace in their surroundings and have fun. They keep dearly the lesson that had cost the dear lives of their ancestors. (Reference: www.worldoftales.com)

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