The power of # Hashtag

CEBU, Philippines – They have been popping out quite a long time on Twitter, Instagram and recently on Facebook - the beloved hashtag. This symbol isn't just a typo placed in the beginning of a word or phrase - it is powerful, even more powerful than you might think.

A hashtag is a word or an unspaced phrase prefixed with the number sign "#." Words in messages on social media sites may be tagged by putting the "#" sign before them, as they appear in a sentence, (e.g., #CEBUkeepsmegoing, #Christmasisnear or any such lines). The "#" symbol is a powerful tool in navigating the landscape of social media; it is used to mark keywords or topics.

A hashtag is like a cyber file folder to store common posts, categorizing discussions so users can quickly see and connect with a group of a common interest. It makes it possible to group posts or messages of similar content, making it convenient for the social media user to easily access related topics as a list automatically appears upon clicking a particular hashtag. It also links up to pictures - and even video clips - related to a subject matter.

Born initially in Twitter, hashtags have since become an integral part of the social media space, it being used frequently in creative ways to promote events, ideas and products. Aside from commercial purposes, it is also a very effective tool for, say, politicians and other entities that have interests to promote, for whom a hastag is like an advertisement that delivers almost the same (if not more) results than in the mainstream media, whether broadcast or print. But the significant thing is that it need not be as expensive.

Also, hashtags are used informally to express opinions on a given message, available for viewing by members of the same social media group. Thus, humor, excitement, sadness or other contextual cues, are quickly shared, for example, "Just found out my mom is my health teacher. #awkward" or "It's Monday!! #excited #sarcasm."

In the main, a hastag offers the following values:


By hashtagging, people can spread photos or tweets related to a business interest, and their followers see these; and there is high probability that followers get driven to the site and become a new business partner or customer.

Building relationships.

By clicking a hashtag related to similar products or industries, a business finds out what customers are interested in by what they (the customers) are saying. It is then possible to start an online conversation with them and introduce the company for a solution to a problem the customers are talking about.

Keeping in the loop.

A hashtag provides a link to other related tweets, images, and posts. Social media users are kept abreast with several comments, articles, and photos related to a subject. Among businesses, relevant hashtags allows them to learn about each other's products or current moves.

The New York Times reports that the use of hashtags is ever increasing. The popularity of the "#" sign has grown year by year since its inception in 2009. More interestingly, the number of online posts has remained consistent.

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