"I Laugh Only"

CEBU, Philippines - Indeed, there is more fun in the Philippines. However, our country is more funny than anything else. That is why I laugh only. "I Laugh Only" is actually the title of my book now available in St. Paul's Bookstore in Ayala and in SM City.

The current controversy regarding the PDAP or Pork Barrel Scam is one of the funny situations the Philippines is now in. As we know, it all started when Janet Lim Napoles was arrested for allegedly seriously detaining her nephew, Benhur Luy. The latter took refuge in the Department of Justice headed by Secretary Leila Delima, and started whistle blowing.

Benhur Luy, protected by the DOJ's Witness Protection Program, divulged that some legislators, particularly Senators Juan Ponce Enrile ("Tanda"), Jinggoy Estrada ("Sexy"), and Bong Revilla ("Pogi") gave millions of pesos from their PDAP to the fake non-government organizations or foundations of Janet Napoles, the JLN among others. Isn't it very funny that a high school graduate from Mindanao succeeded in convincing the "cream of the crop" of the country's legislators to put millions of pesos into her bogus organizations or foundations?

The situation becomes all the more funny with the appearance of the so called "Napoles List" or "Napo List," which enumerates the names of senators, congressmen and other prominent citizens. This "Napo-List" is reminiscent of the movie "Schindler's List," although the latter contained names of the Jews saved by Schindler from Hitler's efforts to exterminate God's Chosen People.

One cannot but laugh, or at least giggle while listening to some radio commentators' quips on the "Napo List." Janet Napoles allegedly gave a list of those involved in the PDAP scam to former Senator Ping Lacson and to the DOJ Secretary Leila Delima; while the whistle blower, Benhur Luy, provided a national newspaper another list. And the three lists do not coincide with each other. Which one is true, correct or accurate?

"Wise guys" among the media refer to the so-called "Napo List" as "Swindler's List" containing names of those who stole from the nation's coffers via the bogus foundations of Janet Napoles.

People are hoping that those lists do not turn out to be lists of debtors or a "Turko's List." I had hoped that a list would not surface containing names of cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and other religious organizations that benefitted from Janet Napoles' generous contributions or donations to make amends or restitution for her wrongdoings, anomalies, and sins. (Although, it seems to have had already happened just very recently.)

As things begin to take a crazier turn lately, I can almost see the laughing face of Jesus Christ appearing on the cover of the book "I Laugh Only." (FREEMAN)


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