Feng shui

CEBU, Philippines - Many claim or disclaim this birthright.  Forgetting the fact that each one of us is actually the luckiest sperm in history that made it to the ovum! And, more, lucky to be born. Some even turn out to be, as comedian Gary Lising claims jokingly - the greatest abortion that ever lived!

This never-ending question of every human being affects their wellbeing! It causes eternal stress trying to answer the question by trial and error.  But hold your horses, at this point, it is noteworthy to stress that feng shui in this context can destress your inquiring mind.  And answer the question of whether you were born lucky or not in no uncertain terms.

First of all amongst the Chinese zodiac signs, only the Dragon-sign born are preponderantly lucky, as a given in feng shui.  But the luckiest are the Blue Water Dragon (ie, 1988 born) and recently, the Black Water Dragon (ie, 2012 born).  Being water, they can go around any environmental and human obstacles in their life path, thus, super lucky and considered even exempted from the vagaries of bad feng shui.

Bad feng shui causes stress, distress and eventually bad luck!

So there you are, the only solution from feng shui applications is to reduce, if not eliminate, bad feng shui inducers in your home and work environs in order to mitigate negative vibes and attract luck!  Yes, no matter what time, place or sign in the zodiac you are born.

Therefore, do not despair if you are not a water dragon or of a dragon sign.

Everybody is born equal in feng shui as regard to being lucky in life.  All you have to do is to claim this birthright by doing the right feng shui moves or principles, proper observance, annual maintenance and discipline.

Yes, it is not only a science, but it is also like math when it comes to precision.

Like grades, it works in percentages of effectiveness when it comes to attaining human benefits and positive results.

Lucky directions, colors, layout, numerology, symbols and charms (optional) define the difference of having or not having a stressful life.  Suffering is optional in feng shui.  Happiness with joy in your life is its ultimate objective with stress-free wellbeing.

It's akin to saying: winning is not everything in feng shui, it's the only thing! Living the life of your dreams, be it the Filipino Dream, American Dream or Fil-Am Dream! 

 A corollary tool to feng shui to achieve and manifest its efficacy is personal meditation and physical exercise.  Tai chi or Qi Gong exercises bring out the personal best for a feng shui follower, especially if the home or office is well feng-shuied!  It allows you to attain balanced chi at the maximum or, on the least. optimum.

As for meditation, proper feng shuied sitting or meditative position will fine-tune your positive life energy receptivity.  Just like in the recent women's volleyball games, feng shui secret to winning the energy game of life is proper reception!  Receive energy well by proper meditation daily.

Want to try it for luck?  Tune in to daily meditation passages by liking my community page, Feng Shui University of the Philippines, to start your day meditatively.  By the time this column sees print, over a dozen quips as thoughts for the day would have compiled.  It's not too late, feng shui satori (enlightenment) is timeless.  It can come in a flash of epiphany to transform your sagging energies hampered by stress into positive enthusiasm at any point in time. 

No harm in trying.  See you in my virtual classroom!  We may not be born lucky, but we can choose to make our own luck!  With feng shui, of course, the real methods, not the boodle- boodle, fake ways or wastes! That is what no-nonsense luck in life is all about! Good Luck! (FREEMAN)


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