Is Your Signature Lucky?

Penmanship reveals one's character and personality. In feng shui, it can define one's luck, especially as regard to your signature! Esoteric feng shui (fully comprehensible only by the advanced, properly initiated learners) states that a person's signature is governed by the trinity of luck factors: a) the number of writing strokes it entails (feng shui numerology), b) the manner and angle in which the signature is executed or written, c) believe it or not, the color of the ink used (lucky or unlucky color)!

Numerology.  Simply count the number of strokes as you write your signature; try to analyze it. Then, say, if the number of strokes is 18, transmute the meaning using feng shui numerology code (which I had already revealed in earlier articles): 0 means money; 1 means good luck; 2 means easy prosperity earning even asleep; 3 means forever; 4 is death; 5 is me; 6 is the road to - 7 is conflict; 8 is double prosperity; and last, 9 means doubling!

So, 18 in our example practically transmutes to good luck, because 1 is good luck and 8 is double prosperity. Take the first digit. Never add the digits into one number! Try it this time with, say, the signature of a certain Lucky Tee-Tyco! Say, there are 28 strokes, so it's easy prosperity!

Manner and Angle of Signing. The best angle and way to sign is always upwards like a plane taking off to the skies! It implies upward mobility in life, progression! No worry if you sign straight, you may simply slant the document or check in an upward direction.

Ink Color or Lucky Color. Depending on your personal feng shui lucky color element, you may enhance your signature to attract luck and prosperity. Thus if you are a Wood Horse, sign in the feng shui color of wood or green ink! If fire, red. If metal, in gold or silver ink. If earth, in yellow or orange or brown ink. If water in blue or black. Thanks to modern ballpoint technology, signing pens in multi-colors are now available!

Other auspicious additives, so to speak, in a lucky signature are strokes that connote the figure of number 8 or fat or growth or prosperity! The signatures of Manny Pacquiao and Sharon Cuneta are good examples of this!

As the saying goes, be careful with what you sign. Feng shui considers another dimension aside from this Western advice! Beyond having a lucky signature in tow for any transaction, you must also sign on a lucky feng shui day for important documents and contracts! Beware of unlucky days influenced by negative vibes and numerology. Avoid any day with 2 and 4 combined since it means you die easy.

Remember the infamous Jose Velarde case wherein a former President signed a trust account document on February 4, the 2. The number 4 is bad feng shui day, and that number did him in! So there, sign your way to success and prosperity with feng shui! Not only will it bring your dreams, whether Filipino or American Dreams, to life - but write your own lucky destiny with a positive feeling while signing any document: feeling rich!

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