Food Feng Shui for Every Chinese Zodiac

All you need to know about kitchen feng shui for cooking food that not only tastes delicious but also promotes health and happiness for every Chinese zodiac sign is here!


As chi or life energy is present in all things, it pervades the food you cook and eat.

So the right preparation of the food that will get you into the right energetic mood is the objective for each sign.


Here they are:



Green leafy salads and vegetarian dishes. Avoid horse meat.



Chicken dishes in any preparation. Avoid lamb or goat meat.



Pork dishes. Avoid any monkey brain preparation in the East.



Stir fried veggies and vegetarian food. Avoid chicken preparations.



Any chicken dish. Avoid dog meat.



Lamb or goat dish, chicken too. Avoid pork.



Full grain menu, vegetarian too. Avoid any rat preparation in the Orient.



Vegetarian food. Avoid beef, carabao meat.



Bananas and fruits best. Avoid tiger meat.



Full grain diet, snake and beef meat okay. Avoid rabbit meat.



Any meat dish. Avoid dragonfish or arowana dish.



Vegetarian dishes or even tiger meat! Avoid snake meat and blood.


Exotic or esoteric, these guidelines will serve you well in harnessing lucky chi from what you eat.

Remember, your luck is what you eat too!


So eat your way well into happiness and prosperity with the right foods! Bon Appetit! Hotsia! Kong Hei Fat Choi!

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