
The older I get, the more effort I have to make to keep Christ in Christmas. There’s so much out there trying to vie for my attention that often times I’m left without Christ and just the “mas.” Or “mass” to be more accurate. A-MASSing a large amount of gifts that I really don’t need. A MASSive credit card debt that refuses to pay for itself. Pushing myself against shoppers rushing en masse to the nearest mall. (Okay, I’ll stop with the puns now.)

This year, I’m making an effort not only to put Christ back in Christmas but to reclaim “mass.” For the first time in my life I am attempting to complete the 9 misa de gallo days as preparation for Christmas. (Good luck to me! I will update you in January if I ever actually do it.) Mostly, in thanksgiving for all the blessings my family and I have received over the course of the year and in supplication, too, for those who are suffering physically, emotionally and economically.

Completing the 9 days of the misa de gallo is special to me for two reasons.

First, as I have grown in my faith, I have learned to love the Mass. It is a beautiful communal prayer that makes me feel like I am part a two-thousand-year history that continues today. When I am sad and having a difficult time, it keeps me from feeling alone. When I am overjoyed, it gives me the words with which to praise God. It gives me the strength and peace that I cannot find anywhere else. Furthermore, receiving communion is like having Christmas every day—Christ comes to me as bread and wine in a very real and tangible way. And as I prepare for Christmas, I want to remind myself of the beautiful gift that God gave to me, two thousand years ago and that He continues to give me every day.

Second, and on a very basic level—I have been taught that advent is a great time to give up something I love for the sake of something better. And to be completely honest, I love sleep. (Sigh!) I love sleep like foodies love food. And while I was deciding what to give up, it took me a long time to finally give up an hour or two of staying in bed longer—which strengthened the resolve to detach myself from sleep even more (which is much easier said than done).

As I write this article in time for my deadline , the long dark days with which I have to wake up early, stretch out before me. So close and yet so far. It gives me a sense of how the world must have waited in agony for the Messiah. Perhaps reflecting on this will keep me awake as I drive groggily through the streets at dawn.

Pray for me dear readers. Pray that I will persevere and see this through. I promise to keep you in my prayers at the dawn Masses I attend. May Christ be truly the center of your Christmas and may you find whatever fills your heart with joy, peace and love. Merry Christmass!

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