Finding god in super typhoon Yolly

CEBU, Philippines - As reported early last week when super typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda) was heading toward the country, the people were filled with great fear, especially after the experience of the October 15 earthquake. And this typhoon was at least twice the force of the strongest typhoon we have ever experienced. And it was still packing more force as it approached our shores. It was going to hit Central Visayas!

Amidst all the material preparation, there was a call to prayer all over. There were Mass intentions, prayer brigade, and the simple people just prayed.

I said half jokingly to somebody who said she does not like typhoons. "Be friendly to typhoon Yolly. And she will be friendly to you."

When the typhoon did hit, the force was indeed strong. But the damage was not as extensive as expected. And the loss of life was minimal compared to previous calamities.

My personal experience was that it was some kind of a miracle. When I celebrated Mass at 6:00 A.M., there was just a small drizzle. But by 8:00 A.M. more rain started. Soon, more rain and wind. I thought it was just the start of the typhoon.

Fifteen families numbering 147 people with lots of children evacuated to our Parish Hall. They were very appreciative and disciplined people.

As the typhoon progressed, I enjoyed watching the trees waving vehemently in different direction like they were all so excited. I was expecting the worst to come by early afternoon when the eye of the typhoon would be near. I could hear roaring sounds like airplanes flying above. I commented that all flights were supposed to be canceled. Somebody informed me that those were not the sounds of airplanes, but of the storm winds above us. We did not feel its full force since it went above us! We did not suffer any damage around the church compound. No one was hurt.

When I came back to my office early in the afternoon, I was surprised to find everything calm with just a little drizzle. What happened to the main force of the typhoon? I was told that it already went north.

Even the evacuees had all gone home. The Parish Hall was left clean and empty without any garbage.

I consider it a kind of miracle in answer to our prayers. Instead of feeling the predicted full-force of the typhoon, it suddenly disappeared! This, to me who have experienced so many typhoons, is not natural!

God answered our prayers and petitions.

I also find God in the conscientious barangay officials. Two councilors came to me on Thursday to ask my permission to use our Parish Hall for Evacuation Center. There were also officials there to supervise the evacuees during the typhoon Friday morning.

And when all the evacuess had returned home, a group of officials consisting of the barangay captain, councilors, and policemen came to thank me for the use of the Parish Hall. I was greatly impressed by their thoughtfulness and gratitude. God was present among them.


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