A cosplay summer

CEBU, Philippines - Bring your favorite anime/cartoon character, superhero, movie villain or game character to life!

Everybody is expected to do something different this summer aside from enrolling for summer classes, travels, hitting beach.

To those who haven’t decided yet what to do this summer, I suggest you add excitement to your vacation through COSPLAYING.

Cosplaying is the verb form of cosplay, the short term for “costume play”, where individuals wear costumes and accessories to represent a character. Though branded for teens and adults, cosplaying is already open to all age groups.

Creativity and resourcefulness is the key factors to a successful cosplaying. f you like to do it, there are only three simple ways:

1. Character. You need to find a character that you know and you like, someone that matches you. It can be from the cartoons that you watch everyday, or your favorite character in a movie.

2. Gather information about the character — the clothing, wig/hair accessories, shoes, among other things that will help you become more alike with the character.

3. Learn how they act, talk, walk and do stuff. This is the very interesting part!

You can do cosplaying with your friends and even do your costumes together. You can buy the required costumes or the best idea is to recycle! Ask help from mom or an older sibling to help you look for stuff around the house that you can work on.

So instead of going out and waste your time playing under the scorching heat of the sun, or staying inside the house facing nothing but the computer, try COSPLAYING. This will surely make your summer a more awesome and memorable one. (FREEMAN)

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