
Dear Dr. Jen,

I break out around my mouth area.  Is it true that toothpaste can cause pimples?  I’ve always thought that toothpaste was a cure for pimples.  My grandmother used to put toothpaste on my pimples to make them better.


Dear Melody,

Way back when, toothpaste was used to treat pimples.  It helped dry up the pimple probably because of the alcohol or menthol content of the toothpaste.  On the other side of the picture, fluoride can also cause acne.  Other known products found in toothpastes such as sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) and teeth whitening ingredients can also cause redness and pimples. 

There are several fluoride-free and SLS-free toothpastes sold in the market (Check Healthy Options).  Also, choosing the plain white ones without the extra whitening, the gel bits, and flavors might be less irritating to the peri-oral area. Try it for a few weeks to see the full effect.

Dear Dr. Jen,

I have bumpy skin on my face.  I’ve tried on so many products from the local to the imported and nothing seems to even out the bumps.  What is the best over-the-counter line I can use?


Dear Karen,

It sounds like you are a product junkie.  I’ll bet you anything your bathroom counter looks like a display of a cosmetic store!  Unfortunately, there is no BEST over-the-counter brand or product line I can recommend.  As with most products that you use on your face, always choose the ones with the “noncomedogenic” labels. 

Even the most expensive and the imported products can cause acne outbreak. The most skin-friendly brand can still give you contact dermatitis and pimples.  It is a matter of trial and error.  What works for your neighbor may not work on you.  What may work for Anne Hathaway may not work for you! Give it at least six weeks before you can reject a product.  And if really worried, try it on a spot behind your ear or under your chin before you apply it to your whole face. Lastly, you can also haul your entire cosmetic and cleansing collection to your PDS derma so she can help you pick out the right ones for you to use. 

 Dr Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS). She is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH). For other information on PDS, check

If you have any questions or concerns please text, email or call (the Freeman or PSH): 0932 857 7070 or < > or (032) 233 8620 or 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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