
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Island Escape

Stacy Danika Alcantara - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - I guess one of the most remarkable places I will never get tired of visiting time and time again is Sumilon Island, a shard of coralline land that lies neatly amidst the limpid waters of Tañon Strait.  The island is far enough from Cebu City to truly achieve that island getaway feel; and it is small enough to truly call it your own.  Consider it your version of an exclusive island escape to save you from the unending stressful of the regular rat race.

Nestled in the island, perfectly fitting its rocky contours, is Bluewater Sumilon Resort, a diamond among the Bluewater Resorts.  What makes Sumilon Bluewater Resort a standout among its sisters—Maribago Bluewater and Panglao Bluewater— is that priceless feeling that one is in a piece of paradise right in the middle of a vast body of water, hence hinting at the resort’s glamorously castaway feel.

My frequent returns to Bluewater Sumilon have all been what I would consider my most romantic escapes in my life.  It’s this sense of quiet romance that makes Bluewater Sumilon effortlessly alluring whether you’re with a special person in your life or are heading off for some serious quality time by yourself.

Beyond what the island resort can offer, here are the most romantic spots in this piece of paradise that you should never miss when you’re out there.


SHIFTING SANDS Best Time: Mid-afternoon to Sunset

Come around in mid-February to the early weeks of March and linger by the island’s pristine white sandbar.  With waves crashing against each other right above the narrow bridge of sand connecting the main island and the sand bar’s most prominent patch of sand, wading through the clear water with the sea’s pebbles beneath your feet, will create the illusion of walking on glittering water.  The sand bar has been a favorite spot for intimate weddings and dinners, especially when Mother Nature favors your visit and the tides are low.  Request the island’s staff to set up a quaint picnic for you at the sand bar with cocktails, as you linger and eagerly await for the sky to burst into a crimson explosion by sunset.


BENCH WARMING Best Time: Sunrise

Perhaps one of the most arduous yet enjoyable activities in Sumilon is trekking.  True enough, the path may not be exactly perilous, although it is replete with sharp and jagged rocks—but nothing, absolutely nothing, that makes it impassable.  Although there is an option to go with a guide, the satisfaction of exploring the path on your own or with your significant other is an opportunity not to be passed off.  Along the path, you’ll find wooden benches neatly situated in certain spots amidst the rocks and the trees, with one of the most romantic nooks which lies right at the edge of a precipitous cliff overlooking the emerald lagoon and the aquamarine waters of the sea.  It’s a fitting rest after a long walk, a remote retreat to commune with oneself or to share a quiet moment with someone special.  Go for an early morning walk and await the glorious sunrise from this nook.


BAMBOO LOOKOUT Best Time: Early Afternoon

The resort aptly calls these retreats “payag-payag”.  These are quaint bamboo gazebos perched on the island’s coralline outcroppings overlooking the turquoise waters surrounding the island.  The gazebos are draped with gossamer curtains that flutter in the sea breeze, adding to the romantic feel.  The resort regularly offers afternoon tea to tide you over in between meals, making any of the bamboo gazebos a perfect post-lunch retreat.  Allow the tea to cleanse your body and the view to rejuvenate your soul.


NESTLED IN Best Time: Late Afternoon

There’s a white woven nest of a couch set just overlooking the waters gently crashing against the rocks right at the island’s jagged shore, a stone’s throw away from the pavilion and the island’s port that lies opposite the sandbar.  It’s the kind of cozy retreat that’s perfect to when you simply want to read, browse through a good book and gaze into the sublime beauty of nature when the words become too straining on the eyes.  The nest is big enough for two but it’s still cozy if you’re planning to curl up by yourself.  Cozy in with a nice glass of iced tea and catch up on your reading with the waves as a fitting music in the background.

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