Building communities, The Cebuano way

CEBU, Philippines - All eyes are on Cebu with its steady growth in trade and infrastructure, welcoming both multinational and international corporations to its shores.  As an expected effect of this economic boost, Cebu's workforce and population have also been on a steady incline and businesses have been flourishing with the natural increase in general spending capacity.

Seeing opportunity at the height of these developments, Worldwide Steel Corporation, a proudly Cebuano company pioneering in the manufacture of steel bars and with over 36 years of experience in the construction industry, ventured into Real Estate Development with Worldwide Central Properties Inc, (WCPI) bringing their commitment to Construction and Development full circle. From providing the building blocks for homes and businesses, WCPI now holds firm in its growing commitment to adapt to the customer's needs and providing total solutions – from steel bars and other construction materials, we now build homes and communities tailor fit with the customer's needs in mind.

The FREEMAN Lifestyle recently talked to WCPI's president, Engr. Kent Ong, who revealed his passion for building homes and creating communities.

The FREEMAN: What is your strength?

ENGR. KENT ONG: Our parents taught us and instilled in us the value of hard work.  When we were still young, we were already exposed with the family business. Nothing was spoon fed. As children, for example, if we wanted toys, we had to earn it; for our allowance, we had to work in the office for it.  We valued our contributions because in a way we were rewarded for it. Watching our parents work was reason enough for us to want to do more because they both started from scratch and with hard work and perseverance, they pulled through.  We were trained to be businessmen even as children. Year after year, our experience in the business grew. That's how we were raised – to value hard work, to appreciate and respect family and business relationships and persevere in all endeavors.

TF: How long did it take you to convince your parents to go into Real Estate Development?

KO: It took about two years of discussions with my parents and the rest of the family to convince them into going into real estate development. It seemed natural to me to branch out from what we already knew…we were expert at the building blocks, at providing construction materials so why not go full circle – start building homes and then build communities.

TF: How did you convince your parents?

KO: I always wanted to be a contractor. In college, contrary to my mom's wishes, I took up Civil Engineering in De La Salle University in Manila.  When I graduated, I immediately joined the family business handling Sales and marketing for Worldwide Steel; incidentally, I came in at a good time, this was in 2004 when the business was expanding.  I'm naturally very observant and with some market research, I realized that we can do so much with the properties we already owned. Our first project, Sundance Residences in Banawa, Guadalupe, had a natural target market – the growing population, the housing backlog which could not cater to the growing demand for residences and the Guadalupe area having the largest population in Cebu – put all three together and it seemed like the natural thing to do. And since we were already selling construction materials, this would also help our companies.

TF: What is your dream for this development?

KO: This is a family centered development. Taking my cue from my own parents, when we were growing up, they were so busy building the business, still they made sure to have time for the family no matter what.   Sundance Residences would make it easier for starting families to find balance between family and work. We made sure that residents could spend quality time with their family that is why the amenities of the building are all family-centered:   There's a professionally-managed day care center, a fitness center with instructor, a playroom, a family garden, swimming pools, a prayer room, and a family entertainment center, among others. I want this to be a place where residents could easily find their balance, where they could spend quality and leisure time with their families after a long day at work.

TF: Given your busy schedule, personally, how do you balance your time?

KO: I always make time for my family and myself. A normal day for me is spent at the office; but at the end of the day, I get home to my own family and I give them my undivided attention. I always make sure I have extra energy to play with my kids. On weekends, we have the family lunch where all my siblings and their own families come.  This is where we really bond, swap stories and just enjoy each other's company. I also play basketball for exercise. I believe its crucial to balance one's time.  No matter how successful you are, if you are not successful with your family, your success would have no value.  It's important to find the perfect balance between work and play; in all aspects of life and business, balance is key. (FREEMAN)


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