Cameron Diaz defends BFF Drew Barrymore

CEBU, Philippines -  Don’t mess with Cameron Diaz and her bestie! The “Sex Tape” actress cut an interview with Kiss 106.5’s “Kyle & Jackie O” after Kyle Sandilands took a jab at Diaz’s friend Drew Barrymore and her past drug use.

Diaz and her co-star, Jason Segel, were on the phone with the Australian radio show when Jackie O mentioned that the child star in the film reminded her of a young Drew. “Aw, yeah!” Diaz said. “She does, now that you mention it. And she’s as bright and lively as Drew is, as well. She’s a sweet little girl.”

Then Sandilands said, “Let’s hope she misses out on the Drew Barrymore drug years, because those were a great thing to watch, but not so good to be in, I’d imagine.” And this is when things got awkward.

“I’m sure, Kyle, you’ve never been through a drug phase, have you?” Diaz shot back. “Or alcoholism or anything like that? Pretty clean; always did it right? Congratulations.”

The blond beauty and Barrymore first became friends when she was a 16-year-old model, and Barrymore was 14 and working at a coffee house in L.A. But it wasn’t until they co-starred in “Charlie’s Angels” that they became best friends, and they have been ever since.

As if that weren’t awkward enough, Sandilands then tried to ask Diaz about her rumored new boyfriend. After an uncomfortable pause and an attempt at changing the subject, the actress ended the interview. “We’re having to go now,” she said. “Sorry, they’re wrapping us up.”

“Well, that started very well and ended poorly, I think,” Jackie O acknowledged. “Good one, Kyle. You ruined that interview. Sorry to be blunt. You brought up Drew Barrymore, her best friend’s drug addiction in the past. She’s her best friend. And then you brought up Benji. We all know how protective Cameron is about her private life.” But Sandilands seemed unphased. “Maybe they should’ve just bought ads if they wanted to sell the movie,” he said.

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