Shoppers advised: Withdraw your money before Christmas rush

CEBU, Philippines —  The Cebu Bankers Club (CBC) has urged the banking public to withdraw money as early as now, ahead of the peak Christmas rush.


CBC president Neil Darwin Credo yesterday advised consumers to withdraw earlier to avoid the holiday rush.

"We advise the public to withdraw earlier ahead of holidays," the banker told The FREEMAN, although he noted that most retail transactions nowadays can already be paid with debit cards.

"In that case, they don't have to line up in the ATMs (automated teller machines) to withdraw money," Credo said.

The CBC official also warned the public to be extra-vigilant this holiday season against ATM skimming.

"We advised our depositors and the public to be extra vigilant regarding this matter and never disclosed their ATM PIN," he advised.

People using the ATM must never seek help from strangers nearby, he said, as the modus of some syndicates is to watch over them, offer help but victimize them instead.

"On our side, we advise our fellow bankers and guards especially those assigned to ATMs to double the keypads and also the CCTVs for that matter so that we can trace them," said Credi.

Aside from bank transactions, December also comes as the busiest month for retailers as buying activities for the holiday season normally rise during this period, Philippine Retailers Association-Cebu president Robert Go earlier said.

Go expecta shopping demand picking up this month as workers receive their 13th month pay and bonuses.

Based on historical trend, foot traffic in shopping malls during December leading to Christmas Day on the 24th is in its highest, according to Go, owner of supermarket chain Prince Warehouse.

"This is the usual trend we see during this season," he pointed out.

As the Christmas Day nears, shopping malls in Cebu have been doing sales and offering holiday discounts in hopes of luring shoppers to splurge.

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