APEC economies agree to strengthen agri PPPs

CEBU, Philippines- Member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation have agreed to create a stronger public-private partnership in reducing if not eliminating the food losses in supply chain of fishery and livestock.

"With the growing concern for food loss, the Philippines along with other economies deem it necessary to address the issues which contribute to food loss and come up with policies and measures that will address the wastage in the agriculture sector," a statement released yesterday from the Department of Agriculture and Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) read.

The stronger partnership was agreed during a conference organized by Taipei's Ministry of Agriculture, New Zealand's Ministry for Primary Industries and PhilMech.

PhilMech Director Rex Bingabing said sufficient supply of affordable, safe and good quality food must be ensured.

"With the additional new challenges in food production such as climate change, decreasing production area and depletion of natural resources, food loss and food waste must be given serious attention," the statement quoted Bingabing as saying.

He said APEC economies have a big role to play, considering that majority of total global food production comes from the 21-economy bloc.

"Cooperation of different economies is important," he added.  

Aside from government, the private sector is also urged to act and contribute to the long-term solution of food wastage.

DA said the public and private sectors from some APEC member economies exchanged ideas on how to better address the global problem on food losses.  (FREEMAN)


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